Finley Finds Out

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The darkness had swallowed the sky and left Finley stumbling in the dark before she made out faint lights in the distance. It was a small gas station connected to a restaurant. It looked lonesome with only the occasional dull light flickering on before plunging the world back into darkness again. Thank goodness for that -- the poor lighting made the dried blood she was covered in look like mud. Somehow, despite not having her phone, Finley miraculously had forty dollars tucked away in her shoe. 

Call it a lazy writing loophole, call it common sense. The author does this with her money because it can fall out of her pockets so easily, but then they forget about it when they gets home so he's perpetually stuck with money in his shoes forever. In this case it helps Finley so just go with it. Author doesn't have to explain anyway if they don't want to. Author is ranting now.

Finley prayed a thanks to all gods that are believed in -- and maybe even to Chris Hemsworth as well -- for the lifesaving find. With the money she was able to buy a cheesy tourist sweatshirt and some 'I heart California' leggings, changing out of the blood stained clothes in the bathroom. 

Now she was sitting in an empty restaurant (minus the single employee who provided her with a mediocre burger cold fries) with nothing but a single television in the corner making noise.

"Breaking News today..." the voice droned on as Finley dejectedly swallowed a mouthful of questionable food. "Youtube Crime-loving Video Star Ryan Bergara was found in critical condition at his co-worker's house yesterday, was rushed to the hospital and is now in a coma. The attack was brutal and nearly fatal, with a multitude of stab wounds all over his body. The attacker's identity remains unknown, but officials are warning citizens to be cautious as there is a dangerous criminal roaming the area. Both of Bergara's co-stars have refused to comment."

Finley's heart plummeted to her feet as she listened to the news, filling in the gaps of what she had forgotten. As soon as she heard the news, she knew it was her.

She was the one who almost killed Ryan Bergara.

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