A Demon Hurt Me

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Shane led the way back into the kitchen, closing the door to the other room (which appeared to be the living room, with a couch and two small beds) and moving to the window to close the shutters.

"What are you doing?!" Ryan asked, terrified.

"It has to be dark. You're never going to get any ghosts in there if it's light," Shane replied, plunging the room into darkness. Three flashlights clicked on almost immediately after.

"Yeah, Shane that's the point," Ryan said, looking around paranoid. Finley and Shane left the room to join Mark, closing the door with Ryan inside.

"Okay ready Ryan?" Finley said gently. "Your time starts... now." Shane started his watch and they head Ryan click off his flashlight.

"Umm... ghosts, Ms. Lovett? If you can hear me, just know I'm just as scared as you are," Ryan began, terrified. "I don't want to hurt you but if you could... show yourself? Make yourself known?" Silence followed, and then Ryan promptly screamed.

"Ryan?" Finley called. "Are you okay?" Shane just laughed, watching the time. It had already passed Ryan's time, but he decided to keep him in there just a while longer. Ryan screamed again.

"Something brushed past my ear! It touched me! Let me out! Let me out!" Ryan freaked out. They could hear him scrambling around the room.

"You still have thirty seconds," Shane lied, grinning at Ryan's fear. Finley and Shane heard Ryan whimper from the other side of the door, and they had no doubt that he was praying now.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh I swear I think that oven door just opened itself," Ryan whimpered, his voice incredibly near. "I mean I can't see anything, but it's open! It's open let me out!" Shane sighed, and opened the door. Ryan was clearly shaken up. The oven door, in fact was wide open. Finley pulled Ryan out of the room, heart melting at how scared he looked. Ryan was sweating, his eyes were wide, and was slightly trembling.

"Tell me it's not open," he panted, grabbing her arm and kind of hiding behind her. "Ohgosh please don't be open." But before Finley could respond, Shane answered.

"Yeah, it's wide open. Did you bump into it dude?"

"NO! Of course not!!" Ryan shouted, his trembling becoming full on shaking. Finley pulled him into a hug, ruffling his hair.

"It's okay Ry," She comforted. Shane closed the door and entered the room. His two minutes were filled with nothing but annoying ramblings about how the ghosts could make him into little apple pies if they wanted to. Of course, nothing happened. Ryan was still clinging to Finley by the time it was her turn to be locked in the kitchen. Shane stepped out.

"Finley, you're next," he announced, stepping out of the way. Ryan gulped and let go of her arm.

"Good luck," he offered, although he didn't sound too sure about it. Shane ruffled Finley's hair.

"Like I need it," Finley scoffed, although she was terrified. She entered the room and closed the door behind her. She switched her flashlight off and sat in the dark room. It was eerily silent, and it left an unsettling feeling in Finley's gut. Out of the darkness, she felt a sharp sting on her shoulder. Finley yelped in surprise, standing up and looking around frantically.

"What was it?! What happened?!" Ryan called through the door.

"Uh... uh nothing," Finley didn't want to freak Ryan out. Her heart was pounding frantically. She could hear Shane and Ryan's muffled conversation through the door.

"Should we let her out early?" Ryan asked.

"No," Shane deadpanned. "I mean, fine no earlier than a minute-thirty, though. Just cause she's the youngest." Finley couldn't hear Ryan's response, but she could imagine the relief he was feeling.

"It's fine. I can do the whole two minutes," Finley sat back down, but this time she pressed her back against the wall. The rest of her two minutes were filled with pretty much silence, nothing all to eventful. As soon as it reached two minutes, however, Ryan tore open the door.

"You were so quiet I thought you were dead oh gosh," he panted, embracing Finley. Wow look finally we're progressing with the romance. He was sweaty and trembling, clearly uncomfortable with the whole thing. Shane patted his back before walking in and opening the shutters again.

Half of the furniture in the room had been moved around.

"Uhhhh, Finley? Was that there before?" he asked, pointing at the table, which had definitely moved. You could see the marks on the ground where the legs had rested. How utterly terrifying.

"I don't think so. I felt a sharp sting on my shoulder, which is why I screamed," She placed a hand on where she had felt the sting, wincing as she did. She couldn't see why her shoulder hurt. She thought the sting may be from her sweatshirt pinching her skin between her camera vest. She pulled the sweatshirt back so her shoulder could be seen. A bright red and still bleeding scratch was cut across her skin, deeper than a normal cut. It looked as if could have been cut by something like... a razor. Ryan's face went a ghostly white.

"Th- that's not- how did- okay I'm outta here," he stammered, shaking, walking quickly toward the door. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope."

Shane grabbed his arm before he could leave. "C'mon, man, you can't bail now. We haven't even been upstairs. Just sit down and we'll take a look at it. If anything happens, we can always run." Ryan sighed nervously and sat down.

"Okay, fine, let's look at her cut. Mark, do you have the first aid?"

"Yeah, one second," Mark said from behind the camera. A minute later, Finley was sitting on a stool that had probably last seen use in the previous century while Shane and Ryan, (who were good at some things, first aid not being one of them) bandaged her shoulder with about fifty layers of gauze and one, thick actual bandage. Finley giggled at their noble attempts. She slid off the stool.

"Let's go upstairs now," Finley paused, pulling her phone out of her pocket. "Can I play Sweeney Todd  now or is that weird?" 

A/N: This section of the story I so long I keep having to break it up into multiple parts. Sorry for slower updates, I just saw Dear Evan Hansen and it was incredible!

Don't forget to comment if you can, I'm lonely and like talking to strangers sometimes.

Thanks for (almost) 100 reads!

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