A Demon I Dated

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It had been a while since Finley had seen Oliver or Eli. They had all met in high school, but that was just a memory now. She was working on a new series from Buzzfeed with her two new best friends, Ryan and Shane. It was winter, so they had all gone to get some nice hot coffee. They were in London to film a segment on Sweeney Todd's apartment, simply due to the fact the the author is crazy and obsessed with demonic barbers that don't really exist. Finley was walking with them when a familiar face caught her eye.

    "Ryan! Hide me!" She ran behind her friend, praying that Oliver, the boy she'd seen, hadn't seen her too. If that wasn't my reaction to anyone I see outside of school I don't know what is.

    "From who?" he smirked, although not moving so she could still hide behind him. But Oliver's eyes still flicked over to her, and recognition spread through his face. He started toward the trio, interrupting the flow of people on the sidewalks by running into about a dozen to get to the other end of the sidewalk.

    "Finley?!" he gasped as soon as he reached them.

    "...Oliver! Long time no see!" Finley faked a grin, her face flushing slightly as Shane wiggled his eyebrows at her, looking between her and Oliver. Finley moved back in front of Ryan, silently praying that the encounter wouldn't be too embarrassing. Oliver's face fell slightly as he surveyed the two guys she was with, jealousy flashing across his face for a moment before he, too, faked a grin.

    "Yeah, good to see you! Uh, who are they?" he asked, awkwardly gesturing toward Ryan and Shane, his British accent strong. Finley wondered what he was doing in the London streets, and what he was doing wandering alone.

    "That's Shane... and uhh... that's Ryan, my...  boyfriend." Finley's face was a bright red now. She saw that Oliver was jealous of Ryan and Shane, and that he still might like her. The thing is, she didn't really know anything about Oliver anymore. She didn't even know if he still played soccer (haha it used to say quidditch), anything.

    "Oh, nice to meet you guys," Oliver replied, politely shaking Ryan and Shane's hands. Ryan's cheeks were pink by now as well.

    "Yeah, you too, man." he stammered, grinning with half his mouth, his eyes flicking over to Finley questioningly, eyebrows raised. Finley answered with a face that read: 'please play along.'

    "Wait," Shane pulled a very confused face. "You and Ryan are dating? How come I never knew?" Finley's face was a impossible shade of red. She buried her head in Ryan's shoulder to avoid Oliver seeing her in her tomato state.

    "Shut up, Shane!" She muttered through the fabric of Ryan's sweatshirt.

    "Hey!! You stole my line!" Ryan acted offended, but he was grinning. Oliver was blushing, shoving his hands in his pockets awkwardly.

    "Well, uh, whenever you can, write me a letter or something," Oliver continued. "See you around." He walked off, shoulders hunched, no doubt dying of embarrassment. Writing a letter? What was it, the eighteenth century? Ryan wrapped an arm around Finley and guided her over to the small coffee shop where they had been headed.

    "So, um, why did you say we were dating?" he questioned, unable to wipe a smirk off his face. Of course it was not due to the author hardcore shipping Ryley. Fiyan? Rinan?

    "That was my boyfriend in high school," Finley informed, her blush fading but a light pink was still tainting her cheeks. It could pass for her just being cold. "I think he still might like me. I didn't want him to ask me out again." Shane laughed.

    "So the only thing you could think to say was that Ryan was your boyfriend?!" he teased, chuckling. "I mean of all the unrealistic things you could've chosen." Me being single and very lonely.

    "I was improvising! I'm sorry, I was put on the spot! I didn't expect to find Ollie here!" Finley's blush grew even more, and she wished she could control it. Her blushing was starting to get annoying to her. The author's way of covering up the fact that 'e wrote 'Finley blushed' too many times. She looked over at Ryan, although avoiding eye contact. "Sorry," She muttered, embarrassed. Ryan laughed it off, his own cheeks still slightly red.

    "It's cool," he answered. Shane was still laughing his head off as they got to front of the line to order coffee. Finley was still embarrassed and decided to keep her eyes firmly staring at the ground, which had never looked so interesting. It was finally their turn to order the coffee. Ryan ordered for all of them, having memorized the orders from previous trips. Shane paid for the drinks, after a long argument on who had paid last time, and who's turn it was to pay this time. I'm broke just pay for me.

    Finley grabbed the warm cup of coffee happily, taking a sip before she finally looked up at who had given them the drinks. She promptly spit out was was in her mouth, her eyes widening in shock. She too recognized this person. Were all of the London kids just around this one area for the sole purpose of embarrassing her? Or was it the author shoe-horning in characters?

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