A Demon's First Kiss

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A few hours later, Finley stirred as light streamed through the windows. She sat up and stretched, letting her eyes have ample time to adjust to the light. Shane was sprawled over his bed, his feet sticking out from the bottom. Finley giggled at the sight. Her eyes turned to focus on Ryan, who was curled up in a tiny ball of blankets and covers at the very end of the bed, about to fall off. Shane yawned, stretching his arms before collapsing back on the covers.

Finley made her way over to Ryan and pushed him back to the middle of the bed, tucking him in. She then walked over to the desk in the corner of the room, and began finishing up the sketch of Ryan. Shane sat up and stumbled over.

"Whatcha doing?" he asked, leaning over the sketchbook. He smirked as he realized who she was drawing. "Oh. I see," he said teasingly, stumbling into the bathroom to get ready. "Are you going to give that to him once you two start dating or something?"

"We're never going to date," Finley blushed, flipping the page to hide the sketch. "We're just friends."

"Mhmm, sure. And kissing him is totally 'friendly', right?" Shane continued from inside the bathroom. "Admit it- you think he's adorable, and you want to date him."

"...no..." she stuttered. Her face was bright red now. That has happened way too much in the past three days. "And I only kissed his cheek- friends do that sometimes... but he is kind of cute..." She trailed off, lost in thought. Shane laughed, stepping out of the bathroom in jeans and a 'Shaniac' t-shirt.

"Sure, sure... 'just friends'," he smirked before opening his laptop and grabbing a granola bar from his bag. Ryan had somehow found his way to the edge of his bed again almost halfway off it, actually, before he mumbled something in his sleep and flopped off the edge, landing with a thud.

He sat up immediately, kind of terrified, looking around. "What just happened?" he asked groggily, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. Shane chuckled.

"You fell out of bed," he replied, typing something into his laptop. Finley looked up and giggled. She started another sketch, this time of Shane. She was sketching the basic anatomy of the face, looking up Shane occasionally and back at the drawing.

Shane helped Ryan up and folded up the pullout couch while Ryan got ready, groggily putting on his sweatshirt backwards. Shane sighed and put his head in his hand.

"Ryan... I can understand how you wear, like, a t shirt backwards. But a sweatshirt? How do you not notice the hood?!" Ryan just shrugged and flipped his sweatshirt around. He sniffed for a second, then looked at Finley, confused.

"Uh, have you been wearing my sweatshirt?" he asked. "Because, not to sound creepy, but it smells like you now."

"Nooo it's my sweatshirt now!" Finley pulled the sweatshirt off of Ryan and wiggled into it. It was very baggy on her smaller frame, and even on Ryan it fit slightly too big. "Also I smell like flowers."

"Dead flowers," Ryan retorted, pulling another jacket out of his bag and shrugging it on. "You can keep it, it looks better on you anyway," he continued with a grin. Finley blushed and kept drawing. She had to keep pushing back the sleeve because they were much too long. Meanwhile Shane was questioning what exactly Ryan meant by 'looks better on you anyway' when it fit Ryan much better then Finley, the sweatshirt looking practically like a dress on her. Ryan ignored Shane's inquisitive stare moved over to sit next to Finley, pulling up a chair next to her so he could watch her sketch. 

"Is it okay if I watch?" he asked shyly. Finley nodded, working on Shane's hair now. She smoothly drew long lines that made the hair flow beautifully. After the hair, she worked down on the neck and clothes, shading them in and making them look much more realistic. Finley stopped drawing and surveyed it, trying to find something she needed to fix. Ryan was gaping at it, jaw practically touching the ground. "How.... that's.... Wow you can draw... like... how did you do that with a pencil?!" he raved, unable to believe what he was seeing. "Is this- magic or something?"

"No the nose is off..." Finley furrowed her eyebrows, attempting to fix it. "So is the mouth..." She erased part of it and kept drawing.

"Um, I didn't notice. Seriously, it looks perfect," Ryan continued, falling into silence as she fixed the mouth.

"Thanks Bergara." she grinned, finally finished the sketch. She set her sketchbook and pencil down. "What should we do now?" He shrugged.

"We could go to the London Eye or something," he offered, still eyeing the sketchbook. "Can- do you mind if I look at your other drawings?" Finley shook her head and handed him the book. "Thanks." He opened the book to the first page, which was sketch of Ryan and Shane laughing at something. Finley grinned as she saw the drawing.

"Can we go see the Big Ben? I saw the London Eye yesterday," Finley pleaded.

"Sure, I haven't seen either," he said, distracted. "Is this me?" he pointed at the drawing, eyes wide. "Shane did you know that she can draw?! Like, really really draw?" Finley giggled, blushing.

"We should probably go now, before everyone else starts waking up." She stood up and began to pull her shoes on.

"Yeah, yeah," Ryan said, closing the sketchbook and handing it back to her. She placed it back on the table. "Thanks for letting me look."

"No problem. Come on Shane, we're going to see the Big Ben." she walked out of the hotel room, taking the stairs to the streets. Once they had all made it downstairs, they began to walk silently. It had began to snow, and snowflakes drifted like fairy dust from the grey sky. Finley laughed and spun in a small circle happily. "Look at the snow!" Ryan laughed, watching her. Shane smirked at Ryan, elbowing him.

"Shut up, Shane," Ryan muttered. Shane grinned.

"Hey, Finley? Do you actually know where you're going?" Shane asked. "Cause I'm pretty sure Big Ben is the other way."

"Oh," Finley smiled sheepishly, turning and walking in the other direction. She looked up at the snow in the sky, half-skipping. Since they lived in California, they rarely saw snow. Finley adored snow, almost as much as she adored Ryan. Ryan ran along the sidewalk behind Finley.

"Don't leave me in the dust!" he shouted, snow spraying up from where his shoes hit the ground, laughing. Shane sighed, shoving his hands further into his pockets. Snow was nothing new to him, being from Chicago. He pulled his sweatshirt hood over his head, trying to avoid the cold wind and frostbite.

Finley ran all the way to the Big Ben, stopping and spinning around to face Ryan when she reached it. She grinned excitedly, her hair flowing behind her as a breeze flew in. Ryan grinned back, running up next to her, grinning wide. "It's so pretty!" he exclaimed, looking up and immediately, of course, catching a snowflake with his eye. Finley giggled, ruffling his hair that was blowing wildly in the wind.

Her eyes sparked with small snowflakes reflecting in them, and they looked golden in the early light. She focused her eyes on Ryan, giving him an award-winning smile. Her cheeks were pink from the run and being cold. She removed her hand from Ryan's hair, and let it drop to her side.

Ryan melted right then and there, trying to memorize every detail of the sight in front of him. After a second, he snapped out of his daze, and walked over to her quickly, their faces inches from each other.

"Can I kiss you?" 

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