13| Mr. and Mrs. Kim

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Min Yoongi

After a busy day of playing around and buying the twins a bunch of gifts, we decided to finally go home since the sun is starting to set.

"I'm sorry about the twins Yoongi," Jennie said as we walked to the porch of the house. 

"They made you buy so many things."

I chuckled, "It's no big deal, really. I want to buy them anything they want, it's their birthday so it's okay to spoil them even just for a day."

She smiled.

We had a fun day today. First we went to go get ice cream and accidentally got wet after playing in the playground, went to go watch a movie and then go shopping. It's a miracle that nobody suspected me or noticed me while we were walking around in public.

I guess Jennie and the twins made them think about if it's even me behind the mask.

"Did you two have fun today?" I asked the two as Jennie rang the doorbell.

They both nodded, "We had so much fun today!"

"I'm tired now," Yoonie whined making me and Jennie giggle.

"Oh, but baby, we still have to celebrate your birthday!" Jennie cooed and picked the little girl up so she can rest her little head on her mother's shoulders.

"Now twins, what should you say?"

"Thanks dad!" They both exclaimed.

I froze.

A huge smile formed across my face as I stared at the two kids smiling back at me. Did they just call me dad?

I mean, they already did call me that before, but that was different. They didn't know that I was their father and now they do. This just makes me so happy! It feels like I'm having my own party in my head and this is a birthday gift.

"You're welcome."

The door opened.

"Oh! You guys are back!" Jisoo exclaimed and led us right in the house.

"How was your day out?" She asked the the four of us.

Jennie chuckled, "The twins had so much fun that they burned out all of their energy. Yoonie can't even walk on her own anymore."

"Oh, poor baby~" Jisoo cooed and patted Yoonie on the head.

Then, Jisoo turned to me and gave me an annoyed look.

"What?" I asked.

She crossed her arms, "I assume that you treated my cousin and her children the best company that they deserve?"

"Of course I did!" I told her. "And for your information, I'm their father too you know."

"I know, dumbhead! That's why I'll be keeping an eye on you to make sure that my cousin and my niece and nephew won't be uncomfortable hanging around with the likes of you."

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