04| Twins

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Min Yoongi

We all stared at the pictures on the shelf. These kids might be really close to my parents for them to dedicate a whole shelf for them. I guess my brother and his girlfriend know them too, since they all look like they're super close with each other.

"Are they your brother's children?" One of my members asked me.

I shook my head in response. "If they both had children, then I would've known. I would've seen them when they were younger, just look at how old they are!"

"Then who—"

Before Hobi can ask me a question, we heard noises at the other side of the door. People talking and keys jingling. 

I turned to my members and they all looked at me with wide eyes. We totally forgot about our plan on surprising my parents and now we don't have a choice, but hide.

"What do we do?!" Jungkook whisper-shouted.

I looked around and spotted the huge and long couch in the living room. I ran to it and tried making space behind it and motioned them to come over and hide behind it. We turned off the lights in the living room and hid behind the huge couch. 

We waited for them to come over the living room. It's a bit dark and I know that my parents' eyesight isn't that good anymore, so hiding behind the couch without them knowing would be a piece of cake.

From our position, we can see the small lightbulb turn on by the entrance that is connected to the living room. We saw my parents walk inside with plastic bags on their hands, they probably went shopping.

A few moments later, we heard squeals. My eyes widened when I saw two kids run inside my parents' house and started chasing each other. These kids were the ones from the pictures on the shelf.

"It's them," Jin hyung whispered.

My mom giggled, "Yoonki, let your sister breath. You two have been running around the supermarket since the moment we got there."

The boy obeyed and stopped chasing his sister. He turned to my mom and sighed, while trying to catch his breath. 

"Yoonie! Gran-gran said to stop!" The boy exclaimed.


We were all so focused to the two kids sitting down on the couch parallel to the one were hiding behind from. Looks like they really chased each other from the moment they got here, I could see sweat on their foreheads.

"Jennie, darling, you really didn't have to do this."

We all turned to my parents as they welcomed another person. A beautiful woman walked inside as she carried the rest of the plastic bags inside.


She smiled at my parents. "It's the least I could do, I'm leaving the twins with you after all."

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