03| Surprise

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Min Yoongi

We all walked to Mr. Bang's office after Chaeyoung told us that he wanted to talk to us.

Namjoon knocked on the door for us. "Mr. Bang, you called for us?"

The door slid open as our boss motion us to come inside and sit. We followed him and walked inside the seemingly dark room.

"Boys, I know that you're currently practicing for your concert for about two months now and I know that we still haven't told you where you're going."

We stayed quiet in anticipation.

Is it overseas?

"You're going to have your concert in Daegu."

I literally just choked on my own saliva the moment he finished his sentence.

"Looks like you're going to have a family reunion, hyung."

"Are you excited hyung?" Namjoon asked me as we all got in the van. "We're going to have a concert in Daegu!"

I smiled, "I'm pretty excited."

Hobi sat beside me, "Why do you sound so gloomy? Aren't you happy you're going to see your family again?"

I chuckled, "Of course I'm happy. Its just that I didn't tell them that we're going to have a concert in Daegu. I'm planning on surprising them."


I sighed with a smile on my face as I felt the van start moving. It will take a bit of a long time for us to arrive at the hotel. 

I already told our manager, Chaeyoung, that I'm going to take the boys with me to meet my parents.

She surprisingly agreed. She said it would be great for us to make the most of our time before we start our practice for our concert.

I hope my whole family will come and watch us. My older brother is still in Daegu for his work and after he left the house to rent an apartment with his girlfriend. I think her name was Lee Sarah, we have met a couple of times and I think she's a great match with my brother.

"I want to see Yoongi hyung's baby pictures!" Jimin exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, "You won't see one."

"Why?" They asked me.

"Because I told them to hide my baby pictures," I told them.

"You're no fun, Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook complained.

I just chuckled as they all started talking about what they want to see in my old house.

I tried to sleep, but my members are just too loud. I guess I should be used to this by now after years of living under the same roof with them, but I still can't.

Fortunately, the lids of my eyes were getting heavier as the noises in the vehicle were muffled. I finally fell asleep in peace.

"You know I love you, right?" I asked her.

She gave me a weird look and giggled at my seemingly random question. "Why are you asking me that all of a sudden?"

"Please, just answer my question," I pleaded as I took both of her tiny hands on mine.

Jennie smiled, "Okay, okay, I know that you love me and I love you too."

I smiled in relief.


"Why do you ask?"

"So that you can sleep in peace," I told her.

She was a bit weirded out by what I had said and playfully hit my shoulder. "Stop playing, why are you acting weird today?"

"I saw how you looked at the cashier lady earlier," I explained. "You were jealous."

She glared at me and crossed her arms. "I wasn't jealous!"

I smirked, "Yes you were. I saw how you looked at the lady, you were literally ready to pounce her and stab her with a plastic straw!"

"She was flirting with you! You think I wouldn't get upset?!" She exclaimed.

There it is.

"Oh, love. You know that you're my one and only, right?" I told her as I cupped her face.

"Promise me, Yoongi."

I nodded and smiled at her. But, before I can even respond, she started calling my name over and over again.



"Min Yoongi!!!"

I immediately stood up and hit my head on the rood of the van. I groaned in pain as Jin hyung's face starts to look less blurry than before.


He sighed and grabbed my arm. "We're here. We can't possibly barge into your own house!"


We got inside the empty house and turned the lights on. Our driver went back to the hotel and we told him that we'll call him if we want to get picked up.

Good thing I still have my keys, or else we'll have to wait for my parents to come home. 

We took off our shoes and walked to the living room. It still looks the same as if it didn't change a bit. It had been a while since I came back here, it was always my parents or my brother visiting me so I didn't have to travel back home.

"Hyung! Is this you?"

I walked over to the shelf full of pictures. I guess this one is new, since I haven't seen this one before in my entire life.

We all gathered to look at the pictures one by one. The pictures are of my parents, my brother and his girlfriend, and these two kids who look so much alike.

Who are they?!

"I didn't know you had a sister, hyung." Taehyung said.

I shook my head, "Because I don't have one."

"Then, who is that?" Jimin asked as he pointed at the girl.

I shrugged in response.

"She looks a lot like the boy that's always beside her," Jin hyung stated.

We all nodded in agreement. "I haven't seen these two kids in my entire life. But, they look like they're close with my family."

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