01| The past

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3rd Person

Kim Jennie and Min Yoongi are childhood friends in Daegu, South Korea. Their families are friends, since they are all literally neighbors.

"Go on, baby." Jennie's mother pushed her towards the boy in front of her.

"Go say hi."

Jennie gulped and shyly waved to the young Yoongi in front of her. "Hi, I'm Jennie."

Yoongi just stared at her with his cold eyes, but as soon as he saw Jennie's cute wave and heard her seemingly adorable voice. He immediately melted from her cuteness.

"I'm Yoongi," He showed her his gummy smile.

She mirrored his gummy smile.

And with that, a new flower of friendship was born.

Because of this friendship their families had, they were both bound to be friends as well. As the two grew together, their bond and friendship with each other grew exponentially, much to their parents' surprise.

But, it wasn't just them that grew as friends. Jennie's cousin, Kim Jisoo, would visit from time to time and so Jennie and Yoongi would sometimes walk Jisoo around the town so that they could bond.

Yoongi, being Jennie's boy best friend, is a very understanding young boy. That's one of the things she liked about him. Because they spend so much time together, it was no surprise that they both would start having feelings for one another.

Jennie found Yoongi to be caring and sweet. He might be cold and sarcastic sometimes, but it made her fall for him even more.

The two kids were playing in the playground in the park. They both started to chase each other around.

"You can't catch me!" Jennie giggled.

Yoongi smirked and increased his speed. She turned around to see if he was still chasing her, but because she wasn't looking up front, she tripped and fell on the ground.


Yoongi dashed towards the young girl. "I told you to stop running, but you didn't listen to me and now your knee is bleeding."

Jennie quietly sobbed as Yoongi tried to wipe of the dirt on her knee with his handkerchief and started blowing on the scrape.

"Hey, stop crying." He told her as she pulls her chin up to face him. "You're going to be okay. It's just a small wound, there's nothing to worry about."

"I'm going to carry you home, okay?" He told her.

She slowly nodded and was carried home by Yoongi on his back.

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