CQ Ink x Error's Sister Reader

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Requested by Necktonskeleton14

"Hey Geno, have you seen Error lately," you asked your oldest brother.

"No, don't you remember him and Ink were going to see that new movie he's been talking about all week," he explained.

"What? Error and I were supposed to go watch that together," you said sadly, though you shouldn't be surprised, he's been ditching you a lot lately.

"Sorry Y/n, I'm sure he'll be back soon though," he said and you walked off.

Ink had originally been your best friend, when you were both little. You two did everything together and we're inseparable.

But then out of nowhere he started hanging out with Error more, not that you minded at first.

It was when they started doing the things you and Ink used to do that made you mad. You and Ink used to love going to see new movies, and now you never went, it was always the two of them.

And now that you were in highschool you just wanted to stop caring. But highschool's rough, and sometimes you need a friend to help you through it.

Too bad he was to preoccupied by your brother.

Sure Ink still talked to you and you considered him a friend but it just wasn't the same, and it hurt. How could he just replace you, especially with someone you've spent your whole life with.

They sometimes asked you to go with them but you learned your lesson a while back. You decided to go somewhere with them one Saturday and you felt like you were invisible to them, they didn't even act like you were there.

Now you loved Error, he was your brother but it felt like they kinda stole each other away from you.

You couldn't do anything about it either, you know how it feels to lose a best friend, and as much as it hurt to lose Ink, you weren't gonna take him back, you were to good of a sister for that.

Eventually Error did get back, Ink as well who apparently was staying at your house for a bit.

"Hey Y/n," Error greeted once he and Ink walked into the living room. You raised your hand as a slight wave, not looking over at him.

"So how was the movie," you asked glaring over at them. Error must've suddenly remembered that he and you were supposed to go.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I forgot. We can go tomorrow," he apologized, you rolled your eyes. "It's fine, I'll wait till it's on DVD, hope you enjoyed it," you said trying to not sound as irritated as you were.

You stood up and started walking to your room. "Hey Y/n wait," you heard Ink call to you.

You sighed and turned to hear what he had to say. "I'm sorry too, I didn't know this was supposed to be a you and Error thing," he apologized as well.

"It's alright Ink, it's not your fault. Now if you need me I'll be in my room," you said turning back around and walking to your door, not being stopped this time.

You flopped on your bed, finally letting out at angered sigh you had been holding back. You couldn't be mad at Ink, he didn't know. Maybe if you had reminded Error he would've taken you instead.

And while you got to thinking about what to do, your mind was full of thoughts you wanted gone. That you still had a crush on Ink.

Sure you liked him back then, you were so close to him and you told each other everything, but it's been years now, when will you just stop loving him.

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