Cross x Dragon Hybrid Reader

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Requested by AquariaWolfie

"S-she...she's gone. I'm...never gonna see her again."

"Cross, you need to calm down, we need to look at the bigger picture here. Our world is gone," Chara said to the heartbroken skeleton.

"No, no I...I. Why her, out of everyone why her," he yelled at the empty void.

"Cross, we need to find a way out, she'd want you to be happy, wouldn't she," they asked, barely comforting him.

"Y-you're right, we need to figure out what's going on, maybe we can get her back," he said standing up, wiping the purple tears from his eyesockets.

Though what was there to figure out, there was nothing, not another living soul.

And that's how it was for days, almost a week. If it weren't for Chara that kept pushing him to find a way out, he would've quit. He didn't have any of the people that gave him a reason to keep going.

"Cross, you can't keep doing this, she's gone, there's nothing you can do. Man up," Chara yelled at him. "How about you shut the hell up, you didn't just lose the love of your life," he yelled back, shutting them up.

He fell to his knees, he was done, with Chara, with this stupid void, everything.

"Hello...are you alright," Cross heard a strange voice ask. Cross didn't even look up at him, he just shook his head.

"Cross snap out of it, maybe he can help us," Chara whispered to him, he sighed and finally looked up.

"Hey, I'm Ink," be greeted, not as enthusiastically as he had before at seeing the depressed skeleton.

"...cross," he responded. Ink sat down in front of him. "Nice to meet you, though I wish it was on different terms," he said sympathetically.

"What do you want," Cross asked, he knew he should try to be nicer, this guy might be able to help them out, but he honestly didn't care anymore.

"I found an empty void, well almost empty it seems, and needed to check for life," he answered. "Why's it empty," Cross asked.

"Uh, I don't know, this doesn't normally happen. It's possible someone...deleted it's code," he answered.

"Well, I hope whoever did it gets what they deserve. They took everything from me," Cross growled, hoping karma does it's job.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could help but I don't think this can be fixed, at least not by me," Ink apologized.

"You wanna talk about it, it may help a little," Ink asked, Cross wanted to say no, but he needed to vent, to someone other than Chara who didn't care about who he lost.

"I lost everyone, my brother, my best fiancee," he began. "My life was the best it had ever been, and was just gone. I think what hurt the most is that I won't get to have my future with her."

"What was her name," Ink asked, he felt bad for Cross but he was also kinda interested in his story.

"Y/n. I was just months away from being able to call her my wife," he answered.

"What was she like," Ink asked. "No don't get him started," Chara groaned, Cross ignored them though.

"She was nothing short of perfect, sweet, caring. But she always had a little bit of an attitude and her sass always made me smile."

"She was a monster, or mostly she was. She was a dragon hybrid, but she still had a monster soul so she was welcomed by the king and queen."

"Wow, that's cool," Ink said in response to Cross' description of her. "Yeah that's what I said when I first met her too."

"We met as kids, she had been taken in by the king, her parents had to give her to them in fear of humans never accepting her, which was most likely the right thing to do."

"She was considered royalty and as a son of the royal scientist I was one of the first to meet her. We clicked from the beginning and we were best friends for like the next seven years."

"And frankly if you didn't know us well, you couldn't have told we weren't a thing yet. We were inseparable. She loved watching me do tricks with my magic and I adored watching her glide around, she always loved flying."

"She sounds amazing," Ink complemented. Chara just groaned, Y/n was all Cross ever talked about.

"She was, honestly majestic might be the right word. That girl was just...god I can't even begin to describe everything I loved about her.

"I remember anytime I'd annoy her she'd whack me in the back of the skull with one of her wings, heh. That or she'd try to trip me up with her tail," he laughed thinking back on the times he'd ended up on the ground after teasing her one to many times.

"And I'd...I'd waited years to ask her out, which was stupid since she said she'd liked me from the beginning."

"And when she said yes when I proposed....well I was just so ready to spend my life with her. I hoped I'd never have to know what life was like without her in it...but here I am," he finished, sighing sadly.

"That' Sorry to hear that, you were a lucky man, huh," Ink asked. "Yeah, yeah I was. I couldn't have asked for a better girl to call mine," he answered.

"Hey, thanks for listening to my ranting, it's nice to have someone to talk to again," Cross thanked.

"Hey, I'm here too ya know," Chara barked, suddenly seeming to care about Cross' feelings.

"No problem, besides it must be rough, but sometimes a friend can help a little bit," Ink said while standing back up.

"I'll come back tomorrow if you wanna talk again," he said helping Cross stand up too. "Yeah, that sounds fine, see ya," he responded as Ink left.

"Well that was horrible," Chara said. "Why are you like this," Cross asked, annoyed with his spectral companion.

"And he's coming back, I regret telling you to talk to him," they groaned.

And to Chara's displeasure he did come back, apparently saying he had a surprise for Cross.

"Ink really, you didn't have to do anything like that," Cross said, he just met the guy yesterday, what could be give him, he knew more about Y/n than Cross.

"Heh, I think you'll really wanna see this," he responded, then having Cross close his eyesockets.

Cross heard what sounded like another set of footsteps. No surely...she's gone...he watched her disappear.

"Ok open," he heard a voice he knew like the back of his hand. His eyesockets shot open to be standing face-to-face with the woman he'd loved for so long, the diamond engagement ring still on her finger.

"'re here. vanished from my arms," he said cupping her face with his hands, making sure it was really her.

He pulled her into a tight hug, her wings wrapping around him, her tail doing the same. "I'm here Sans, I'm here, it's ok," she said when he began crying.

He couldn't say anymore, he was to happy, and confused, but mostly just really freaking happy.

"Heh, I'll leave you to it," Ink said as he was getting ready to leave. "...hey, Ink, thank you," Cross managed to say, still holding onto her.

He nodded and he was gone.

"I can't believe you're back, I never thought I'd see you again," he said releasing her and put his left hand back on the side of her face.

"I'm back, I'm not going anywhere, I missed you," she said smiling brightly, her bright eyes almost glowing with happiness.

"I missed you too, more than you can imagine," he said before leaning in and kissing her like he needed it to breathe.

He pulled away and pulled her to his chest.

"I'm so happy I can hold you again, I swear I'll never let you forget how much I love you."

AU Sans X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now