Yandere Horror x Dustale Reader

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Requested by JanieRusselltheantic. Hun I did not realize till I finished writing the thing that you had said insane Dustale reader and I wanted to go ahead and get this one out and rewriting it would take awhile. I hope you still like it though, sorry that I missed that part.

"Y/n, watch out!."

You heard your boyfriend yell to you before a nearby monster almost struck you with it's claws.

You went to pull your knife from your jacket pocket, you always carried it with you even back home in case you ran into your Aus version of Sans.

By the time you had the weapon out the monster had swung at you again, this time it's claws hitting you right arm and tearing several gashes in the skin.

In a second your boyfriend was behind you making your attacker and the other two that were helping him freeze in place.

Sans was extremely intimidating and his stare could make blood run cold and he knew it too, with him around no one barely ever messed with you.

There have been times you'd gone out on your own only to go back to his house bloody and bruised. Everytime that happened he'd patch you and ask about who did it to you.

If you could give him a straight answer about your attacker he always left the house immediately afterwards, you were often to worried about your injury to question where he was going.

What you didn't know however was that he had gone to hunt down your attacker, he made sure anyone who would ever hurt you pay with their lives, he knew it was best you didn't know about it.

The times where you couldn't outright identify the monster that hurt you he'd stay out in Snowdin all day torturing the monsters that slightly matched the poor description you gave him until they were found and punished.

Now before he met you he couldn't have cared less about who a monster attacked, as long as it wasn't Papyrus, yet when you came along.

He refused to ever let anyone hurt you and live, he refused to lose you, sure he had a violent nature before but he was probably ten times worse now.

He'd never let you know that, the last thing he needed was to scare you so much that you were terrified of him and wanted to leave. He also didn't want you to see him as a psycho killer like Dust is, he remembers how scared and weak you were when he first found you all alone in Dustale and it took forever to get you to trust him.

When it came to situations like the one you were in now you didn't question, he helped you out and kept you alive and you certainly weren't gonna argue with that.

"Run," Sans growled at the monsters in front of you, seconds later they were gone and he was at your side.

"Are you ok pumpkin," he said examining the injuries on your arm. You nodded and he helped you stand up.

He teleported you home so he could get some bandages and disinfectant on your arm, all the while saying the sweetest things to you to distract you from the pain.

It always shocked you how he could go from terrifying and could kill anything in seconds to such a sweet, caring guy when he was around you.

"Thank you Sans, sorry for making you worry," you apologized, he barely heard what you said though, he was to focused on wanting to go destroy the monsters who had done this to you.

Luckily he at least heard you say thank you. "No problem hun, what kinda boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you," he said sweetly.

"You should probably get some rest," he said laying you back on the couch. He knew you and knew you'd want him to lay there with you, even if he did want to find those monsters he also wanted you happy, that and you'd probably fall asleep faster.

As he assumed yeah you were out in minutes. He teleported off the couch making your arms you had wrapped around him fall to the cushions but luckily the movement didn't wake you up.

After taking another look at you he made his way out into Snowdin. At least this time he saw the monsters attack you and knew exactly who he was looking for.

After a few minutes he found the two monsters that were with the one who hurt you, he didn't care that they didn't touch you, they were still a part of it.

He threw his axe at ones arm to knock him against a tree and make him fall to the ground. The other got two sharpened bones to the legs.

"What the hell dude," one yelled from the ground. "Where is he," Sans commanded. "What are you talking about," the other asked.

"The guy that attacked my girl, where is he," he hissed. "Hah, as if we'd tell you," the first guy said. "Well, I gave you a chance to talk. Then again...," Sans said grabbing his axe from the first guys shoulder.

"I was gonna kill you anyway," he said before smashing the axes blade into the guys stomach, leaving the other to watch, knowing he was next.

The first guy faded to dust and he turned to face the second. "You're crazy man," the guy said scared. "Yeah, I am, crazy for her," he said as he sent several other bones through the monster, killing him instantly.

He was pissed that he didn't get the other guys location from them but he had all day to hunt him down, if you woke up while he was gone you'd probably just assume he was out hunting for food.

He figured that the monster wouldn't leave Snowdin, not with Undyne in Waterfall. He had to be in the woods somewhere, he wouldn't stay out in the open after everything that had happened.

Sans made his way through the trees seeing nothing but a few small monsters around, but he wasn't worried about food right now.

Eventually he found the monster in a clearing hunting for gyftrots. Before he could notice Sans was there he used his magic to throw him against a tree.

While the guy was trying to register what had just happened Sans had walked up behind him. The monster immediately looked absolutely terrified when he saw him standing above him.

Sans let out a bone chilling growl and shot an attack through one of the monsters legs to keep him down.

"L-look man about earlier-." "I don't care what you have to say. Nothing you could say changes the fact that you hurt her," Sans said shutting the monster up immediately.

"No one hurts her and lives," he snapped. The monster backed up against the tree to attempt to get away, only to have another bone go through his other leg.

"Now we can do this two ways. Quick and painless or...heh you get the picture," he darkly laughed. The monster was too scared to respond.

"Heh, lucky for you I wanna get back home to her, so let just get this over with," he growled before he began his murderous attack on the monster.

By the time he was done he was covered in blood and some dust, which was nothing unusual, you probably wouldn't question it.

When he got home he found you still asleep on the couch. Taking advantage of you not knowing he was home he changed clothes to clean the fresh blood of the old ones and went back downstairs.

Hearing his movement around the house made you slightly wake up, and you couldn't tell he'd even been gone, except for the fact he no longer had his jacket on.

"Hey pumpkin, ya sleep good," he asked sitting down beside you on the couch. "Yeah actually, hey where's your jacket, you had it on earlier," you asked.

"While you were asleep I went hunting and got a good bit of blood on it, figured it needed to be washed anyway," he responded, technically he wasn't lying.

"Oh alright, and thank you again for earlier," you said as he put an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him.

"You don't have to keep saying that, I'm just glad you're ok," he said kissing your forehead. "I love you Sans," you said as you leaned more into his side.

"Heh, I love you too Y/n, I'd do anything to keep you safe."

AU Sans X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now