Yandere Nightmare x Brave Reader

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Requested by invadertord2030

"What the- where the hell am I," I whispered to myself after waking up in a pitch black room. Although I should say it was truly nothing but a void.

"Ugh just another weird dream," I said still talking to myself.

"Oh I wouldn't call it a dream. More of a nightmare," deep voice said. I couldn't pin point a location, it sounded like the voice was all around me.

"Not much of a nightmare if ya ask me. Unless you're scared of the dark," I said earning a creepy laugh from the voice.

"It won't be this way for long. Tell me my dear. What is your greatest fear," the voice asked. "Since this is being generated by my mind, shouldn't you already know that," I replied, this time getting a slight growl from the voice.

"So you just gonna hide in dark or are you gonna show yourself," I asked. "I don't know, you may not like what you see," it responded.

"I don't know, sounds like you're scared to. Am I that intimidating," I said.

Suddenly I was in a pure white room with a large, inky black skeleton with tentacles standing in front of me. And boy did he look pissed.

"I'll show you intimidating. I can be your literal worse nightmare, brat," he growled, standing over me trying to make himself scarier.

"Yeah, you're not exactly that scary, nice try though bud," I said standing up. "You're really not scared of me," he asked sounding defeated.

"Nah, you may be terrifying to someone else but not me," I responded looking around the white void.

"But why. That's literally my job, to give people nightmares," he asked. "Listen, you may just be doing you job but if it's just in my head why should I be scared," I replied.

He sighed and looked back up at me. "Well if I can't scare you I guess I have no business here, see ya," he said before disappearing.

I woke up seconds after that. Not like jolting up like I had an actual nightmare. Honestly I was more confused, what the actual heck just happened.

Any why could I remember every detail so well?

I fell back asleep this time no dream at all, at least I think so. Though the next night he was back, this time he didn't even try to scare me, instead he actually introduced himself to me.

He said his name was Nightmare, and the reason he came back to my dream was that he found me 'interesting'.

That he was surprised how easily I stood up to him, and was so calm and collected during the whole ordeal.

And night after night, there he was. Literally it was just us two, in the white void just talking. Not that I really minded, I mean sure it was strange but whatever.

And the next few months, were strange to say the least. Several of my dreams were me and him alone in an area like a forest clearing or empty beach, anywhere away from others.

And it seemed everyday our conversations got deeper and deeper. And we talked longer and longer, it even felt like my dreams lasted longer.

But all the while I was still confused, why could I remember this all so accurately. Usually I barely remembered the slightest bit of a dream. But never every single second.

They didn't even feel like dreams anymore.

It's about time I get some answers here. I don't know if he can even answer, but hey it's worth a shot right.

"Hey Night, I gotta question," I asked while we laid in the grass of the forest clearing. "Yeah what."

"I've never been able to remember much of any dream. But these past months I remember every single one. Even when we first met. Why," I asked.

"Well, you always remember a nightmare better than a dream right," he responded. I giggled at his joke and went back to looking at the forest canopy.

"Something is still bugging me though. Every single dream, it's just you and me, no one else," I pointed out.

"Is there a problem with that," he said sitting up. "Oh course not. It's just strange is all, I guess."

"Yeah I guess it is. But hey who needs others when you got me," he said calmly.

Ok that was kinda strange but I brushed it off as him trying to be egotistical. "Yeah I guess you're right. I do have you".

"I wonder how long these dreams will go on, honestly I'll be so sad if they stop," I said. "They don't have to, I think you forget I'm the king of nightmares, I can come and go from your dreams as I like," he answered.

"So do you decide where the dreams take place. Like this one, in the forest," I asked.

"More or less. Honestly I've just grown to like hanging out with you, so I choose calm and relaxing places," he responded.

"Uh huh, is it more grown to like or grown to love hanging out with me," I asked. "Ok ya got me, I like being alone with you," he answered.

"Aw Nightmare, you know you're really not scary now," I said jokingly. "Heh, guess that's a good thing. If you had been I'd never have gotten so close to you."

"Ya know, that day we met, I was hoping I'd see you again. It was weird, I knew nothing about you but I was so happy to see you the next night."

"Well I just had to see you again, you're special," he said lovingly. "I'm trying to say I like you dummy," I said making him jolt up.

"Wha- really. Well, heh I like you too," he said with a massive smile on his skull. He pulled me to his chest holding me as tight as he could.

"I can't believe your really mine. Finally," he whispered. "Umm yeah, I'm yours Night, all yours."

"I have a question though, this is still a dream right. Will I only see you at night," I asked. "Oh, my dear, you haven't been dreaming," he said.

"What are you talking about, I remember going to bed earlier," I asked extremely confused. "No, I'm magic darling, you think you went to bed, that's what I made you think."

"I can make you see visions, that's why you think you went to bed. While in reality you've been awake this whole time, this is all real."

"But why, you had no reason to trick me like that," I said kinda angrily. Basically he's been lying to me this whole time.

"That doesn't matter now darling. I've got what I want," he said burying his skull in the crook of my neck, pressing his teeth to my neck as kisses.

"I'm not just an object for you to claim Nightmare,"  I said trying to break free from his arms.

"Heh, there's no point in trying to leave. You can't escape me. Besides you're mine, whether you like it or not," he whispered.

"Nightmare, let me go," I yelled trying harder to get free.

"Didn't you hear me," he said holding both my arms tightly.

"You're mine darling."


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