Part 5- Family & Friends, Enemies & Allies.

Comenzar desde el principio

"Humph!" she humped as she walked back to her seat.

"A mother will always be a mother Fai, even when you're eighty, I'll still fawn over you"

"Mmhmm I do not doubt that"

"Fai Tieresch Regan, it takes two people to make a child you know, just in case you've forgotten you still have a father" Ronald Regan, his father said.

"I'm sorry dad, It's nice to see you too" he said while his father gave him a tap on his shoulder. Fai walked over to the Wilsons who had sat there all the while, listening and smiling at the conversations he had been sharing with his family, and exchanged pleasantries with them. He then walked over to where Faury, Rita, and someone he assumed to be a friend or relative of Rita's and gave them warm greetings.

He pulled something out of his inner pocket and gifted Rita with a small wrapped gift box which had the words For You, On Your Convocation. She thanked him. And when she unwrapped it, it was a little bottle of designer perfume.

"Thank you so so much Fai! I love it!"

"You're welcome"

"You're not going to steal my girl now, are you?" Faury teased him and earned himself a spank on the head. Fai then lowered himself, to whisper into his ears "You and I have an awful lot to discuss after this"

"What? No! I promise I did not know they were coming too" he protested.

"You should know he had nothing to do with their coming here. My parents both initially planned on coming for my convocation and I guess they somehow managed to inform your parents about it who in turn, decided to tag along" Rita defended.

"Yes, shes right" Faury added. He looked at both of them intensely before responding, "You know you two will breed a whole nation of terrible liars" he said and with that, walked over to take his seat beside Fauras.

"Fai, we came here on our own accord. The Wilsons were coming to NYC for their daughter's convocation, then they told us Faury planned on hosting them here at The Red Cherry and I called your brother and scolded him for making such plans without including us. He apologized, and here we are" Martha said.

"Yeah right. Listen, I know you guys are close to the Wilsons, but I'm sure the main reason you all flew over here was because of me, so no need to hide that"

" For what is worth, I'm happy you're in a better place now Son, everyone misses you back at REGAL Corp." Ronald said.

"Is that why you set me up to be the commencement speaker at the graduation ceremony?"

"Didn't you enjoy it? It was a way of creating awarenesss, so New York know what's in store for them. In less than a month, our factory over here will be open. I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand, it just happened"

"It's alright dad, it's done already"

"Don't get me wrong Fai, we are proud that you've decided to explore your medical degree, but you know you'll always belong back at REGAL Corp"

"I know dad, but I'm okay with this for now"

"Do you ever plan on coming back?"

"I don't know...we'll see"

"Faury, why are there about three empty seats here, are we expecting anyone else?" Fai asked, but before he could even get a response, he heard a very lousy voice burst into the restaurant. It was a voice he knew too well, one he dreaded.

"I'm so sorry I'm late everyone! But I'm here now "she said with a loud voice, hugging and squeezing them all.

"You're getting leaner Fai!" she said while he stared at her in disbelief of how he had somehow managed to share ancestry with this woman, his paternal aunt, Aunt Regina.

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