Part 1- Hello Doctor!

Start from the beginning

She got off the bed and bit her lip, scared to ask the question that was buzzing through her mind. He noticed her uneasiness and urgrd her to ask whatever it was that she wanted to know.

"I just wanted to know you think I--Would I-- have problems... conceiving again in the future?" she stuttered between words. He looked at her for a minute, as if trying to read something some invisible writing on her face, then responded, "No. The procedure that was carried out on you was fairly safe; it's also been carried out on a lot of women and they didn't have problems conceiving afterwards" she heaved a sigh of relief and thanked him, but all she got from him was another stern nod. Don't even know why I bothered, Jerk!

He seemed rather harsh with her, for whatever reason, she knew not, but she was more than happy to be done with the entire process as the past months had been hell for her. Wiping the gel off her belly with the tissues he offered, she cleaned herself up, grabbed her things and took her leave.

Stepping outside the hospital environment, she breathed in the familiar air of the city of New York, that's how being in a hospital for too long could make you feel, like the smell of NYC was the purest, she smiled.

Indeed the past few months had been nothing short of a horror movie for her, one she didn't want to ever relive, instead, she chose to put the past behind her and move on with her life. Getting a cab, she gave the driver the directions to her house while she sat behind.

Taking her phone out of her bag, she decided to call Brenda, her best friend of ten years.

"Hey B!"

"Hey Mal, what's up?"

"I'm alright, I just got back from the hospital"

"Oh yeah? How was it?"

"Fine, perfect even! The doctor says I'm all cleared!" she chirped.

"Yaaaay! I'm so happy for you gal...and proud too!"

"Proud? Why are you proud of me? What's there to be proud of? You should be ashamed of me you know, no child deserves a mother like me!"

"Hey! C'mon, I mean, going through that pain...and how he treated you, he should have... "

"Brenda, don't...please, let's not talk about him now...or ever, okay?"

"Hmm, right. So what are the plans for tonight?"

"Tonight? What about tonight?"

"Duh-uh! It's Christian's birthday! Can't believe you've forgotten that already!"

"Oh, right! Jesus! I can't believe I forgot that, it's just, with the hospital appointments and all..." She began explaining.

"Hey hey, it's alright, we all know what you've been through lately, it's nothing"

"I know, but it's still no excuse to forget our best friend's birthday. What do you suggest we do?"

"Umm.. there's this new club in town everyone's talking about, what do you say we check it out?"

"Sure! I'll just head home and do a couple things, then I'll go check the mall for a gift or something"

"Perfect, I'll stop by your house by say—7pm? And then we could both drive down to his house to pick him up?"

"Sounds like a plan. Alright, talk to you later!"


Maldives stared into the mirror while she took one final look at herself, not bad girl! It had been more than five months since she had stepped foot into a club, or any party of sorts.

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