Hoseok Ending: Magic Shop

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endings will continue from chapter forty-three

endings will continue from chapter forty-three

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Hoseok shouted feverishly as he threw open Yoongi's front gates and dashed towards the shaken girl. His sister followed momentarily, going to Yoongi instead and attend his wounds.

He glances at Taehyung's dead body, his life fluid drained out of him in it's garish red, his skin took on the paleness of a corpse, lips fading to the color of blue and eyes shading to grey as life slipped from him. Hoseok's stomach felt sick, but brushed off the feeling and slapped away the bloody knife off (Y/N)'s hands and hugged her to block the sight of Taehyung's body.

One by one, (Y/N) lost control of her limbs until her head slumped on Hoseok's chest. She could still hear, but she couldn't control any parts of her body.

"Yoongi keep your eyes open," (Y/N) could faintly hear Jiwoo patting Yoongi's cheeks. "His wound isn't that deep and he didn't loose too much blood, but his body is giving up just like her's."

Jiwoo is right.

Exhausted struck (Y/N), as if a truck going past the speed limits of a fast-lane highway had banged her body. Days of mental torture, deprivation of bodily nutrients began taking its toll to her body. She was too focused on her revenge that she forgot to eat or rest. No matter how tired (Y/N) is, her mind commanded her to move, to burn her troubling feelings away even if her fight had already ended.

"It's okay (Y/N)..." Hoseok hushed her, picking her body up like it was nothing and kisses her forehead. "You don't have to fight anymore... it's over."

(Y/N) didn't realize it, but she was shaking and crying in Hoseok's arms. She tightly clutched the hem of his shirt as she bit her lips into a thin line to muffle the cries that attempted to escape her lips.

"I got you..." he whispers, his voice sounding like a sweet lullaby. "You can rest now... Yoongi is safe. The hostess is safe. You're safe. I won't let anyone harm you anymore."

(Y/N)'s heart thumped in accordance with slow, shallow breaths as she snuggled onto Hoseok's chest, her hand still stained with Taehyung's blood. Despite the chaos, her debilitated body fell asleep, serenity plastering across her face as she slept.

Finally at peace, her consciousness swirled in the land of dreams, oblivious to the world.


"C-Chungha..." the female muttered in her sleep, shifting in her bedsheets. "Chunga... don't leave me please— PLEASE—!"

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