Chapter 15: Unveil

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February 11, 2019
7:00 A.M

"Oh hellllll no."

Jimin stares his eyes wide, his lips pouting to somehow persuade his friend.

The man sits right across the table, sipping a cold mixed coffee as his sleeves rolled up to his forearm, showcasing his wondrous tattoos. Swirls of inks marked the entirety of his left arm along with his knuckles. By the looks of it, the process was painfully long, but the aftermath was all that matters because he looks insanely... beautiful. It's like his body was an empty canvas and with his tattoos, he looked like a walking art exhibition for the tattoo artist to show off their work for the whole world to see.

"Please Jay, I really need your help," Jimin pleads harder.

"Look Jimin... I don't want to go along with your plan so your little crush with this girl might finally hit off. The answer is a no and that's final. I won't pretend that I'm you."


"Jimin for the love of God—"

"Pretty please with a cherry on top~"

"Jimin just tell her you're Park Jimin. Stop using my name to fool her. I'm the real Jay Park, not you, so stop lying before I smack your ass," Jay leans back to his seat before continuing to sip his coffee.

"But you don't understand," Jimin deadpans. "If she knows I'm really that guy from Busan, I will never have a chance with her."

"Well that's not my problem you problematic hoe."

"Excuse me! I'm not a hoe," Jimin crosses his arms in disbelief, dragging the 'cuse' in excuse to over exaggerate his tone.

"What? You can't be mad at me for saying the truth. It's not my problem that you can't keep your dick inside of your pants."

"Hey," Jimin slams his right fist against the table. "I did so many things for you. I did everything that you wanted me to do and you're indicating that I'm asking you too much? This won't go on for too long, I'll tell her someday when I prove myself to her that I'm not the same guy from Busan."

"Says that guy who wanted to fuck his own best friend right when they moved in their new place," Jay rolls his eyes, throwing his drink at the nearest trash can as if it was a basketball.

'Hyung be really exposing me like that.'

"I'm telling you bro, the moment you lie your thirsty eyes to her holy body, you're going to loose it... it might happen in the next few chapters our book."

"Book? Oh— you're being philosophical again. No, I'm telling you, that won't happen."

"Yeah, I doubt it, I'm already calling it Jiminie, you'll mess up big time."

Jimin sighs in defeat, letting his body slump down on top of the table. As Jay looks at his sulking friend, guilt comes to haunt him as he takes in a deep breath. The boy reminds himself that doing this could lead to so many troubles where he won't be unable to undo his deeds and that he could be ruining someone's life. He tells himself that if he do this, everything won't be the same, he might never be able to forgive himself. But... seeing how defeated his friend looks over a woman sparks a change in him.

Jay has never seen Jimin ponder over a woman like (Y/N)... I mean... Jay knows what (Y/N) looks like and how she carries herself so he can't blame the blue headed boy.

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