Chapter 4: Outset

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February 7, 2019
12:00 A.M

Walking back to the Hostess for (Y/N) was terrible, absofuckinglutely terrible. Every time she puts pressure on her left foot, the female can feel a twist that made her extremely uncomfortable. She was walking back barefoot since her stilettos were too high for her injury.

"(Y/N) where were you??" Chungha rushes towards the female. "You're so lucky that your costumer isn't here yet- but I feel like he's already here-, everyone has already started. Wait—" the female scans (Y/N)'s current form from top to bottom.

"Oh no... Chungha don't stress about stress before there's even stress to stress about." (Y/N) playfully rolls her eyes, earning a firm hit on her shoulder.

"Ey I'm injured here!" (Y/N) mimics the typical New York accent before brushing the situation off.

"Your makeup! Did you cry?!?" Chungha gasps in an over dramatic tone as she saw (Y/N)'s injury. "Why is your ankle purple?! Dear god (Y/N), your customer tonight won't be happy seeing you like this. And he's a newbie- first time impressions are always the key to keep them coming back and you're lookin-"

"You know what I need right now?" (Y/N) breathes out before shoving her stilettos to Chungha's chest, leaving the female shock beyond words. "Vodka."

(Y/N) struts away from her friend barefooted, swaying her hips side to side as if she's on a cat walk.

"Oh god, if (Y/N) doesn't impress this customer, we'll loose a whole bank..." Chungha sighs as she returns to work. The blonde looked at (Y/N)'s shoes for a moment, her face filled with satisfaction as she took off her own and replaced it with (Y/N)'s. "Hehe she wouldn't mind."

There were 2 parts of The Hostess: the main building where women were caretaking male customers by lighting up their cigarettes, provide them beverages, offer flirtatious conversations— generally greeting them comfortably at the front door as they are seated as far away from other customers; then there is the regular bar where regular men and women go to drink, dance, and do whatever they wanted. Unlike the main building, the customers cannot the hostesses while in the regular bar, men and women touch each other like they are deprived of sex.

Which they probably are but who knows, humans are beasts.

As (Y/N) entered the bar, she went straight to the bar countertop and ordered a shot of vodka to ease her mind. Her mind wonders from time to time that she didn't even realize that she was looking at a man who's hair was sleeked and styled perfectly to match his facial structure. He looked tall and well built— he wears black squared glasses along with a metallic colored jacket (beneath is a white dress shirt) paired with black trousers and a belt.

He was alone, sitting slouched back in his chair, but he's not drinking his cup that remained untouched, he only blankly stared at it. He looked like he was in disbelief. Minutes has passed, he's decided that he's had enough and leaves his untouched cup. He calls for the bartender for the receipt and handed him a black credit card before heading out to the door.

'Damn he didn't even drank one sip,' (Y/N) thought before going back to drinking her own liquor.

As the female herself prepared to go back to the main building, another man who approached the dirty green haired figure caught (Y/N)'s attention.

"Aren't you Kim Nam Joon?"

"No I'm not, let go," Namjoon answers firmly. Namjoon reaches out for the door handle but was immediately stopped as the man who spoke to him grasped his arm.

"Ye-yeah you are! You used to go to my high school didn't you?"

(Y/N) eyed the bartender to get the security.

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