567 24 47

18th November, 2019

The feeling of the wind hitting Paul's face was what woke him up. He must have been sleeping for a good few hours. On what? He had no idea, but it felt very, very uncomfortable.

The boy raised his hand to his face, eyes remaining closed as he massaged his eyelids, trying to bring himself back to consciousness.

He swallowed whatever saliva was in his mouth, before speaking the first thing that came into his head.

"John?" Paul whispered out, groggily.

No response.

With a sort of agitated sigh, and wondering where John was, he opened his eyes. Slowly. He saw the grass, lots of it, and the few trees scattered around the area.

But no John.

"John?" He asked in a confused tone, his voice a normal volume. Though he felt as if he was talking to thin air.

Last time he was here, John was here. He was sure of it.

The boy slowly raised himself to his feet, looking around. When he turned to look behind him, he felt his heart flutter at the sight.

'John Paul' with with a love heart around it. Though it looked old. Underneath it read the other names, but they were so worn away that Paul could barely make out 'Mimi, George, Rin'.

But 'John Paul' had been re carved, and although it was clearly old, it had been preserved better than the others.

"John?" He called once more, still staring at the sight infront of him. A sudden feeling of fear washed through his body, as he stared at the tree for even longer. "John... John I-" He finally averted his gaze. "Johnny, come out. This isn't a... A game anymore!"

Paul was getting desperate, and began to look around the area.

"John Winston Lennon!" He called, basically shouting. He didn't care if anyone else could hear, the only thing on his mind was John.




"John!" Paul shouted, every step taking him further away from what was basically now their tree.

Tears began to fall at the fact there was still no response.

"J-John..." He whimpered out.

After another minute of looking around, he paused abruptly at a familiar sound. Even his tears stopped, after a small sniff. It sounded like... Music?

"Always know sometimes, think it's me.

But you know I know when it's a dream."

"John..." Paul whispered to himself, eyes darting around.

His feet now drew him closer and closer to the sound of the music, as hearing John's voice brought him more comfort than he'd ever have imagined.

Small screams could be heard. Excited screams. And at that noise, his instincts made him hide behind a tree.

Not their tree, a random tree.

When Paul pulled up the confidence to peak out from behind the bark, he felt his heart stop once more.

There were people there. A lot of them. And they had...

For Tomorrow - McLennon AUWhere stories live. Discover now