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16th November, 1955

It was 4pm, and John and Paul were lay in bed, Paul's head in the crook of John's neck, as he played with the older boy's necklace. The only sound in the entire room were the sound of the boys' breathing.

"We should probably do something." John eventually began, pulling Paul's body even closer. He let his lips linger over the younger boys forehead. "Eh?" He whispered.

"Just wanna stay here..."

"No, Macca." John chuckled, taking Paul's hand from the necklace and moving to his feet, pulling up Paul with him.

"Well the things I can't do: Walk for ages again (my foot was aching like mad on Tuesday), I can't play football, I can't play any other sport either.... If we went out there's not much I can do."

"Alright then. We don't have to go anywhere to do something." John shrugged, pretending to pick fluff from Paul's leather jacket.

"Meaning...?" Paul asked, eying him strangely.

"We could do something here... I could get out the photo book, and show you what little John Lennon looked like?"

"Of course!" The younger smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed again.

"Okay." John chuckled.

He rushed over to his wardrobe, opening it up and reaching to the very top to pull out a brown, leather box. He took it out, closing the doors with his shoulder and blowing the layer of dust from the top away.

"They're all in black and white, I hope that's alright."

"Of course. The ones we took the other day are in black and white too." Paul pointed out.

"Yeah but they're clearer, some of these you can barely even see. I know we don't all have colour here, but photos from this decade are way better than photos from the last... They're all grainy and exposed." John laughed. "Wait... Did you put those photos in your jacket?"

"Of course." Paul nodded. "I wanna be able to look at them one day in the future and be reminded of the best day of my life. And you, Johnny boy."

John felt his heart flutter at those words, but soon the thought of losing Paul came back into his mind. He'd do anything to get rid of the chance of losing Paul, or to atleast know how everything was going to play out and when he was going to go back, if he did...

But how would he go back?

John didn't know, but surely he wasn't supposed to stay there... He shouldn't have been there in the first place. He had a family back in 2019, a brother and a father who were grieving already, and probably grieving even more with Paul's disappearance.

God, this was all so complicated, he just wished that Paul and his family could stay... Or something like that.

He never wanted to loose Paul.

"You alright?" Paul asked him, crawling next to him on the floor.

"Yeah, course I am." John falsely smiled, pulling Paul into his embrace and letting him rest his head in his own chest. He planted a kiss on Paul's neck, laughing as the other shivered.

Don't think about that, John.

"Go on then." Paul urged. "I'm excited to see them."

John immediately opened the box up, leaning his arms over the younger's body, and threw the lid to the side. There was a pile of photos there, and John smiled at the first one.

"This is me and a dog."

"You've always had your looks."

"Yeah, I know." He laughed in agreement.

For Tomorrow - McLennon AUWhere stories live. Discover now