
581 26 3

11th November, 1955

"Mimi...?" John asked, his voice high, obviously wanting something.

"What do you want?" She sighed, pulling the washing from the small washing machine under the sink.

"Can I borrow 20 quid?" The woman froze at those words.

"What for? What are you gonna do with £20, John Lennon?" She placed her hands on her hips.

"It's not for me! It's for Paul."

"Oh" Mimi snickered. "Play the 'for Paul' card."

"Please... I promise it is! I wanna take him out. Buy some new clothes, maybe even take him to the cinema?" She sighed, looking down. "C'mon, Mimi... He deserves a good time."

"What about the poor boy's foot, eh?"

"You saw him yesterday, he only needs one crutch now. He'll be fine, I promise." He gave her a pleading look. "Please?"

A small smile eventually appeared on her face. "Alright."

"Yes! God, you're the best!"

"My purse is in my jacket..."

"Got it." With that, he was running back up the stairs to Paul, who was getting changed in John's room. "Paulie, you ready?"

"Yeah, come in." John threw open the door, pausing when he saw Paul in what looked like a pilot uniform.

"What are you wearing?" He laughed.

"What?" Paul asked, frowning a little. "I found it in the back of your wardobe. You must have worn it too, right?"

"Yeah, when I was like... 13?" John chuckled. "C'mon, we're going out and getting you some clothes of your own..."

"With what money?"

"Mimi's" John shrugged.

"No." Paul added immediately. "I'm not taking any more of that poor woman's money."

"Poor? We've got stacks of it! And plus, she wants you to take it."

"More like you did those puppy eyes and she eventually said yes." Paul intervened.

"Oh, come on Macca. I can take you into the city, ey?" John smiled. "Take you on a proper date to a 50's theatre, lowkey of course. And we can watch a film where the protagonist doesn't fall in love with his mother..."

"Other way round."

"Sorry, she falls in love with him." He was now altering Paul's collar and fastening the top button on his white undershirt. "Anyway, come on. Bet you're dying to see what the city looks like in the 50's..."

"I mean, kinda..." Paul admitted, looking over to the window.

"Come on then! I wanna pick you some real cute clothes out." John frowned, doing his classic puppy eyes.

"God, you could get away with murder with those eyes, John Lennon." Paul sighed, a smile showing towards the end. "Alright, fine."

"Yes! Oh, I love you..." The older boy lent in, joining his lips with Paul's, and the younger kissed back right away. "C'mon then" John laughed once he pulled away.

"Alright, Lennon." Paul smiled, letting John lead the way.


Thirty minutes later, the two of them arrived in the city. The bus pulled up next to the Liverbird's building, which Paul couldn't stop looking at as he climbed off the green, double decker.

For Tomorrow - McLennon AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon