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18th November, 1955

The next day was very eventful. That morning John and Paul, who had slept in eachother's arms once again, woke up to Mimi shouting them down for the phone.

"What?!" John called down to her, rolling his eyes playfully at Paul, making him laugh.

"The phone! It's Ringo." At the name, both boys shot up out of bed, rushing to the phone.

When they saw Mimi, holding the telephone with a wide smile on her face, they knew it was good news. She handed it to them, standing around as Ringo began to speak up.

"John? Paul?" He asked, excitedly.


"The Alan guy liked it! We're going back to the store to see him in literally two hours!"

"Oh. My. OH MY GOD!" He called, making Paul jump.

John turned to him, putting his thumbs up, and both the younger boy and Mimi began to clap and cheer.

"Meet us at the record shop at 12." And with that, Ringo put the phone down.

"Good news! We did it! He liked it..." John grinned out, practically jumping onto Paul and wrapping his arms around the boys shoulders. He hugged back just as tight, until John saw Mimi smiling.

The older boy pulled away clearing his throat.

"We're going to the top!"

"You certainly are!" Mimi called out.

"Not just yet, though. We still need to visit him and see what's actually going on, y'know?" Paul spoke, even though he was incredibly excited, there was a bleakness in the back of his mind.

"Yeah, but he liked it Paul. We have a chance at getting big..."

"Aye, and it's all thanks to you, Paul." Mimi smiled, ruffling the boys hair. "He didn't believe he was good. Was even gonna quit, weren't you?"

"Yeah. And I'm so glad I didn't." He turned his attention fully back to Paul, lowering his voice. "Thank you, Paul. I don't know what would be in my future if you weren't here."

"Anytime..." Paul responded, trying to keep it as normal as he could.

After a few seconds of staring at eachother, Mimi coughed again.

"Go on, go and get changed and ready for your big day." She ushered them to the stairs, smiling as she saw them rush back up, laughing and giggling.


"C'mon George! Hurry up..." Ringo ushered him into the shop, the rest of the boys following behind.

Paul was so excited he could hardly contain himself. Every so often he'd glance at John and grin at him, the other boy returning the gesture, just to stop himself from screaming.

He'd always loved music, but never thought he had a place in the world for it. But now, in a completely different time, he realised that he did. He was overjoyed at the fact the Harvey guy thought he had a great voice, and it got him thinking.

"Harvey!" Ringo called to the man. "Where is he?"

"In the back. He's brought all the kit down, now all he needs is for you lot to play."


They went into the back without a second thought, greeted by a man, who definitely looked like he owned atleast two cars. George hovered behind Ringo and John, feeling a bit dominated by him.

"Boys? Are you the ones in the band?"

"Aye." Stuart nodded.

"Right." He smiled, standing up, flicking on a switch on a machine. "I enjoyed what I heard. I thought it was going places. So, do you mind doing another take right here?"

For Tomorrow - McLennon AUWhere stories live. Discover now