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(A/N- I'm so glad that you all love this story! It makes me wanna write more and more lmao.)

3rd November, 1955

John was sat next to Paul, waiting for him to wake up. He was excited to tell Paul he was moving in with John and Mimi when he left the hospital. He'd never have to go back to his father ever again if it meant he was safe.

"Mhhhh..." Paul slurred out, causing John to lift his head up at the noise.


"J-John?" He asked, opening his eyes slowly. "Hey..."

"Hiya. I have some news for you." John beamed.

"What is it?" He asked, beginning to sit himself up.

"You're gonna be moving in with me and Mimi." John smiled.

Paul's eyes seemed to widen in surprise.

"R-Really?" He asked.

"Yeah. Is that alright?"

Paul began to smile.

"That's- That's amazing." He nodded. "When?"

"When you're out of here, so in a few days." John replied, happy at the boys eagerness.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Of course not." He smiled. "Oh, and you're gonna need some more clothes too. I can bring you some of mine if you'd like?"

"Yeah. That would be great." He smiled.

"Say, what's that around your neck?" John asked, catching a glimpse of a necklace with the words 'Lo' at the other end of it. "'Lo'... What does that mean?"

"Oh. It's one of the necklaces my mother gave me." He slightly smiled, raising his hand to hold the letters in between his pointing finger and thumb. "She gave me two, the other has 'Ve' on it. She told me to give that one to someone special." He explained, looking down.

"That's beautiful." John smiled down at it. "I can tell you miss her very much. You seemed very close."

"We were." He nodded, not looking up. "But I've had a lot of time to think in here... Y'know? And it's like she explained to me: 'Sooner or later, every last echo fades'. Nothing good can last forever. So I just have to move on, and- and... Yeah."

"Paul, that's a beautiful quote." He spoke, almost speechless. "Sooner or later, every last echo fades..." He repeated.

"She was a beautiful woman."

"What was her occupation?" He asked, very curious about Paul's mother. The younger boy seemed to be alright in talking about her now.

"She was a nurse, actually, like Mimi."

"Really? Do you think they'd know each other?"

"Definitely not." Paul shook his head, laughing. But when he saw John's confused expression, he changed his tone to a quieter one. "No, I- I don't think they would have done. She was a midwife, see."

"Ah. That must be an amazing job."

"Yeah. She delivered many babies throughout her lifetime." He kind of chuckled.

For the next few minutes, they spoke about Paul's mother. Paul remembered her name as 'Mary'.

"Do you remember your second name, yet?"

"I- Uh... No." He quickly shut down that question.

But John didn't believe him. If he could remember so many stories of his mother, then could surely remember his second name.

For Tomorrow - McLennon AUWhere stories live. Discover now