Ruby And The White Raven

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Ruby is the witches name and deep from in the woods she came.

The white raven sits on a branch watching not certain if his maiden is to die.

The men from the village came to kill her.

She's deemed evil because she is a witch with ruby red eyes.

When she cries, they are tears of blood.

The men breaking into her cabin, cut out her heart and took it away.

Leaving a gapping hole in her chest.

She rest against the trunk of a tree.

Her raven has just returned with a new heart to replace the one lost.

Protecting ruby at all costs.

Overwhelmed with fatigue from casting a spell on the man that killed her.

She lays quietly in a dead state.

Her assassin impaled himself, and instantly died.

The white raven cawing angry cries, begins pecking him ferociously until he could take his heart.

You see ruby cast a protection spell on herself and she can no longer die.

Year's ago when she was a mere child the town came and burned her family And their house to the ground.

Ruby escaped and was never found.

Until now, a hunter out in the woods saw her collecting thing for a spell.

He ran back to tell the village, she was very much alive and well.

Her white raven not only her protector but her best friend.

He had once been a young boy and she cast a spell and turned him into a raven out of fright.

Long ago one night when he stubbled upon her out in the woods.

Still learning her witch skills things went very wrong.

A raven he shall stay until the day she can reverse the spell.

It's been a long time since that day but still he stays at her side.

Rudy begins to revive a bit and pushes the heart in her chest, reciting a spell instantly once again she is alive and well.

The raven tells of the village men and they plot revenge.

Rudy begins to cast the biggest spell that she has ever done.

Her act of revenge has begun.

Gathering bits of this, and a pinch of that, four whiskers from a black cat, a drop of spit from a bat, she stands over the large boiling pot.

Red smoke begins to drift through the air, the villagers very much unaware.

They are all fast asleep in their beds.

The deadly red mist is like the kiss of death.

They shall never rise.

The hateful village she has grown to despise.

Ruby closes her eyes and recites a spell.

This time her power is stronger and all has gone well.

Her white raven begins to spin and grow.

Once again into the boy she has become to love and know so well.

Now a young man he looks at her in surprise and yells with glee. "Ruby you finally got the right spell!"

His family having been traveling gypsies have moved on long ago.

The woods and ruby is all he knows.

He looks at her with love in his eyes, and takes her hand, giving it a light kiss.

Here they shall stay tucked away in the woods, living in peaceful bliss.

This is the story of rudy and the white raven.


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