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It was a day like any other that week.

She woke and went about her morning routine.

All seemed normal.

Or so it would seem.

When she reached work that day.

Her boss called her instantly in his office to say.

"There a story to cover."

"It's in Transylvania, and it's like no other."

The story feature.

The oldest castle there.

The odd stories of other reporters that dared go there.

She brushed off the rumors, without a care.

Straight off the plane.

She ask for the quickest way to the castle.

That's when the whispers. and nervous stares started.

She continued on, not disheartened.

Intrigued by the adventure she was about to pursue.

Never having been to this country, it was all new.

After finally flagging down a ride that would oblige.

She neared the castle, and could hardly believe her eyes.

She turned to the driver with a astonished look.

But he booked it out of there, like a bat out of hell.

She stood looking up at this magnificent castle at the top of the hill.

Taking a deep breath to help release her feeling of unease.

She banged the knocker loudly at the door.

Her anxiety quickly started to increase.

Just when she was about to reach the knocker again.

The door creaked open just a bit.

A small, black, beady, eye appeared.

"Hello, she called out "im the reporter?"

"I've come to interview?"

Only silence greeted her, feeling shunned she stood not sure what to do.

Oddly feeling the urge to run.

A deep voice commands "Come in the honors all mine."

A unnaturally tall man, with pale alabaster skin, lurked in the shadows from within.

Black neatly combed hair.

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