A Fallen Demon

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It was May and time for Annabeth to graduate. In the past few months, she had been busy working on her thesis. It was now complete — the result of sweat, sleepless nights, and lots of coffee. She had also worked on her capstone project for her Architecture major — a building dedicated to the many students who had attended the University. The building served as a social center for students and was inspired by Greek architecture with Ionic and Doric columns, painted marble statues, and friezes depicting the university as a new Athens.

"I cannot believe it," Annabeth said as she plaited her curly hair. "My dream has become true; I have built a monument that will last a thousand years."

Her grey eyes were shining and Percy gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You better not miss your graduation, then. You deserve it."

"You too," Annabeth said.

Percy had completed completed his bachelor in marine biology. More importantly, though, he had chosen the precarious life of a mortal human over the planned life of a demon. "You are such a troublemaker that not even Hell could keep you," Annabeth teased.

       Percy laughed. "Come on, Wise Girl. The ceremony is starting soon."

    Annabeth checked her reflection quickly. Silver owl earrings dangled from her ears and she was wearing black flats and a green gown that highlighted her athletic figure. Percy looked positively dapper in a black suit and a blue tie decorated with red octopi. "Let's go," Annabeth said.


     The graduation for students in the school of Arts and Science was one of the longest ones. It began with a guest speaker named Hylla Ramírez-Arellano. She spoke of founding a start-up company called Amazon and how it had grown into a globally competitive business in just a few years. "But I didn't do it alone," she said. "I did it with the help of inspiring women like my friend Kinzie. No one can do everything alone — it is by coming together that we achieve greatness."

    Her younger sister, Reyna, was graduating that year and gave the commencement speech. She spoke American Dream and offered her own interpretation of it. "Perhaps we shouldn't chase the idea of being the wealthiest and the most powerful. What makes rags to riches stories so inspiring is that offer us hope that we can escape destitution, but it pits us against each other — American against American and America versus the world. It teaches us that we can only achieve happiness through independence and discounts the importance of cooperation. That is why I ask each of you as you accept your diploma today: will you work to bring people together or tear us apart?"

    There were cheers and the long process of giving out diplomas began. Annabeth received her own a lot sooner than Percy. After nearly four hours in the gymnasium, the ceremony was over.

    Annabeth and Percy reconvened outside the building. It was a fair spring day and a light breeze cooled their sweaty brows. It brought on the scent of flowering trees, which was a relief after the noisy odor of sweaty bodies filling up the gymnasium.

    Thalia met up with them. "You did it!"

    Annabeth smiled. Four years of hard work was for this piece of paper. "You have to read my thesis now. Both of you!"

    Percy smiled and grasped her right hand. "I'll read it even if it goes way over my head."

    Thalia laughed. "And I'm excited to see it. After all, I did help you revise your thesis."

    Annabeth laughed. Reyna waved at them and approached. "Congrats you two on graduating!"

    "Thanks," Percy said.

     "Seaweed Brain here needed a lot of my help," Annabeth interjected.

    "That's not true!" Percy protested.

     Reyna rolled her eyes. "I doubt Percy could get out of a paper bag by himself."

      Everyone laughed. Annabeth's heart was as light as the flight of a soaring owl. She had her diploma in one bend and her fallen demon in her other.

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