Hypnos House

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It was 12:45 A.M. and instead of slumbering in her dorm room, Annabeth was working on her thesis at Hypnos House. Her eyelids felt heavy and her body begged for sleep, but her mind was whirling faster than a speeding bullet. The place was empty. The only other customer was a guy named Clovis who was snoring on the couch. The overnight employee, Grover, was washing the coffee machine.

Annabeth pinched herself, but she was still nodding off. She stood up to get another coffee when the door to Hypnos House opened. Hazel walked in and went straight to Grover. Annabeth stood behind her in line. Hazel looked over her shoulder and smiled. "Annabeth, can oI sit with you?"


Five minutes later, Hazel and Annabeth were sitting across from each other at a small, wooden table. Hazel munched on a cherry turnover, while Annabeth sipped more coffee. Annabeth appreciated how Hazel didn't make a fuss if a crumb fell on her cream-colored blouse or grey jeans.

"How are things going for you?" Annabeth asked.

"Nothing big," Hazel said. "My brother is going to a concert tonight and my boyfriend, Frank, is at an overnight archery competition, so it's just me."

Annabeth nodded. "No one else around?"

Hazel nodded. "I decided to work on my thesis."

Annabeth smiled. "I've been doing that too. What's your thesis topic?"

Hazel finished the last bite of her cherry turnover, but the sweet smell lingered in the air. "I'm discussing the role of Rocinante in Don Quixote."

"What made you pick Rocinante?" Annabeth asked.

"I love horses," Hazel said. "Actually, my first boyfriend, Sammy, took me horse riding on our first date."

Annabeth smiled. "Percy Jackson took me to a bookstore last week."

"He sure knows how to impress you," Hazel said softly.

"He's annoyingly endearing," Annabeth said. "He can be so infuriatingly oblivious at times, but he makes me laugh."

Hazel bit her lip. "I don't want to sound intrusive, Annabeth, but maybe Percy is not the right person for you."

"And why would you say that?" Annabeth demanded.

Hazel lowered her gaze. "I know you might not believe it, but Nico and I have your best interests at heart."

"Look, I don't think Nico or you are out to get me," Annabeth said, "but I trust Percy. He has been honest with me."

Hazel tipped her head to one side. "Has he, now?"

Annabeth thinned her lips and nodded. Hazel sighed. "Look, Annabeth. Has he told you what he is?"

Annabeth narrowed her eyes and nodded.

"So you know where's he's from?" Hazel asked, fanning herself.

Annabeth nodded again.

"And you know that he can't — that he won't stay?" Hazel asked.

Annabeth bit her lip. "Just because a relationship is temporary, doesn't mean it's not valuable."

Hazel sighed. "I guess I'll have to tell Nico that he was right."

Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest. "Right about what?"

Hazel stood up and walked away before looking over her shoulder. "That you have fallen in love with someone as hot as his birthplace."

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