Satan Fanfiction

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     "Hey Nico," Annabeth said, approaching the pale man after one of Dr. Chiron's classes. "I read the fanfic you wrote."

      Nico's face turned as red as the flames of Satan's residency. "You found my Wattpad account?"

"Yes," Annabeth said. "You make a lot of good Peter Johnson and Nick Angeles fanfics."

Nico shrugged and swung his backpack over one shoulder. "I ship Nick with Bill now."

"Regardless of your shipping preferences, I really enjoyed your other fanfic," Annabeth said, "and I was wondering if you were willing to talk about it."


      Annabeth and Nico met the next morning at Hypnos House. It was a small, cozy coffee shop on campus that was iconic for being open all night and closing at ten o'clock in the motning. Nico nibbled on a fartura and sipped pomegranate tea, while Annabeth drank black coffee and ate a breakfast burrito.

       "Why did you want to discuss my fanfiction?" Nico asked.

      Annabeth took a sip of coffee. "I liked the concept," she said. "Not only that, but I am writing about the portrayal of Satan in Paradise Lost and The Book of Job. It's interesting because Milton did write a scene where Satan is checking out Eve."

      "How heteronormative," Nico said.

        Annabeth laughed. "What made you decide Adam?"

       "Ehh, I just imagined they would be the ultimate forbidden romance," Nico said. "Plus, it was cool to have a love square between Adam, Satan, Eve, and Lilith."

      Annabeth laughed. "I really liked the scene where they went to McDonalds together. I don't recall that in the Bible."

     Nico thinly smiled. "That's poetic license for you."

    Annabeth checked the time on her phone. She stood up quickly, slinging her backpack over one shoulder. "Sorry, I got to go. Talk to you later!"


Annabeth was shocked when she found s letter in her mailbox. She only checked it once or twice a week and the only mail she usually got was spam. Today, however, there was a letter and written in blue ink on the back was the name Percy.

      Annabeth felt her heart pound. She took a few moments to collect herself and went upstairs. After swiping in, she stored away her backpack and flopped onto her bed. She tore open and read the following letter.

     Dear Wise Girl,
      I am sorry for upsetting you. I'm not the best at apologies. I'm not as good with words as you are, but I want to say this: I want to say sorry. When I befriend someone, it is no small deal. I'm not good at saying how I feel, but you are like my mother's blue chocolate chip cookies.
Your Seaweed Brain,

A smile played on Annabeth's lips. She stowed away the letter, but it's words kept flitting through her head. She thought of how Percy had written in blue ink and been so forward, yet gentle. Part of her wanted to fall int her arms again, but she would not. She was a damsel who was not in distress and even if she was, she would figure it out without him,

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