The Hunters of Artemis

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     "Maybe I was stupid thinking it was serious," Annabeth said with a sigh.

     She was sitting beneath Thalia's favorite pine tree and discussing the matter with her best friend and Piper. It was nearly Valentine's Day and Annabeth thought with a sigh that she's probably spend it alone. The day was cold, but above freezing and with no gusty winds to scorch their skin, it was a mild winter day. The sun poked out behind a few fluffy clouds and the scent of pine permeated the air.

       "Annabeth, you are not stupid,"Thalia said. "Kelp Head is the stupid one."

    Annabeth smiled slightly, but her heart was heavy. "I wanted to believe we were more than just friends with benefits. Now I see that I was less than that to him: I was a job assignment."

     Piper gave her a sympathetic smile. Thalia put an arm around her friend's shoulder. "Maybe you should look into the Hunters of Artemis."

        Annabeth gazed at her friend. "But they cannot date."

     "I know it might be hard to accept," Thalia said. "It would be a big change, but you might love it. I remember when I was younger and didn't want to join the Hunters because I liked Luke."

     Annabeth nodded. They had both dated Luke at different points — Thalia first and Annabeth second. It had caused some friction, but the three ultimately remained friends.

"If you were part of the Hunters of Artemis," Thalia said, "you could help empower women. You could empower yourself."

"Maybe swearing off dating is empowering for you," Annabeth said, "but it's not for me. I want to have the family I always wanted as a kid."

    Thalia nodded. "The Hunters aren't for everyone, but I thought you'd make a good fit. You're clever and independent."

     Annabeth sighed. "I suppose you're right. I don't need Percy in my life."

     Annabeth hated feeling this way — like some damsel in distress who couldn't take care of herself. "It just sucks," she said. "I really — I really cared about him. I thought he did too."

    Annabeth was surprised to find herself crying. She usually wasn't like this; she was strong and stoic and able to hear the weight of the world on her shoulders. Piper inched closer to her and gave her a hug. "Annabeth, you're scared of your feelings."

    Annabeth nodded. "They make me feel weak. I don't like not having control."

     "But you care about him," Piper said. "You're scared of losing him."

      Annabeth sniffed. "You're right and it feels crummy. I just want it to go away."

    Piper stroked her hair. "It's okay to be scared. It's okay to have emotions."

     Annabeth hiccuped. "They make me feel vulnerable. Love is the worst feeling of all — it gives you hope and then leaves you feeling crushed and empty."

      "It's through vulnerability that you find your strengths," Piper said.

     "She's right," Thalia said. "You wouldn't have gotten good at architecture if you hadn't messed up and blundered."

     "Are you telling me there is a point to this pain?" Annabeth said, looking between her friends, "because I can see none."

    Piper shook her head. "No. I'm not going to say that everything happens for a reason — I am no deity. All I can say is that we're here for you."

Demonology (a Percabeth AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें