Wise Girl

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Annabeth's second week of classes was filled with a surprise: Percy was suddenly in three of her five classes. It was strange, but Annabeth told herself that it was merely a coincidence. Still, it was weird that a student studying abroad would choose three of the same five classes she was in. When she asked him, Percy explained he was studying marine biology, but needed an English credit and had room for a few electives.

      They had bumped into each other at a dining hall. Thalia had office hours every Friday at noon, so Annabeth usually sat alone and poured over a book. It was strange because it was outside her normal routine. Annabeth liked routines, but she supposed it was a new semester and her routine was a little different anyways.

     "So, how is the thesis going for you?" Percy asked.

     Annabeth put down her sandwich. "I finished with the notes for the Book of Job," she said, "but I still need to finish reading Paradise Lost. It's so long that it takes forever to get through."

     "What got you interested in writing about Satan?" Percy asked.

    Annabeth's lips curved upwards. She loved it when others let her speak of her passions. "I just found it interesting how Milton portrayed Satan. He seemed like a hero. Thalia and I joked that he was depicted as a social justice warrior."

     Percy laughed. "Fighting against demon discrimination?"

     "Yes and saving the souls of the fallen angels," Annabeth said back.

     The two locked gazes. Annabeth felt her cheeks heat up. Percy's gaze was probing and gentle at the same time — intrusive, yet modest. She took a bite of her burger. This was not happening. She was merely imagining the looks shared between them. There was no way he liked her. That sort of thing only happened in romcoms and fanfiction and besides, she didn't like him.

"Dr. Chiron is really nice, isn't he?" Percy asked.

Annabeth nodded. "He's been my mentor since freshmen year. I took a class about architecture in literature led by him. He's the one who convinced me to double major in English and Architecture."

Percy laughed, his hair bouncing with the movement. "You're an overachiever."

"Nah, I only settle for the best," Annabeth said.

"I suppose your boyfriend must be pretty smart then too?" Percy asked.

Annabeth frowned. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"I'm sorry," Percy said. "I just thought a girl like you—"

"Just because I'm single doesn't mean I'm substandard!" Annabeth said, rising up.

Percy raised one conciliatory hand. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant, you're a wise girl. I bet you would only date the best."

Annabeth sat down and pursed her lips together. "Perhaps that is true."

"Then would I be flattering myself if I asked you on a date?" Percy asked.

Annabeth stared at him for a few seconds. He wasn't the smartest guy, but he was kinda cute in a bad boy way. He was definitely not her type, but she found herself nodding. "Yes. I'll consent to that."

Demonology (a Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now