Seaweed Brain

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Annabeth slept in on Saturday. When she finally woke up, she grabbed a granola bar and chugged some water before pulling out her laptop. While she waited for the laptop to turn on, she changed from her pajamas into sweatpants and a hoodie. She quickly gathered her curly, blonde hair into a ponytail and plopped onto her bed.

    Annabeth's dorm was simply decorated. Too much clutter distracted her; she kept her clothes organized and in her closet, her door in her mini fridge, and her school supplies in her grey backpack. The only things adorning the walls on her side were photos of her with her high school friends Thalia and Luke.

    Luke was now working at an investment firm in Michigan, while Thalia was a grad student. She was also Annabeth's roommate and currently sleeping underneath her silvery comforter. Her side of the room was plastered with nature photos. Thalia was studying ethology and hoped to join a nonprofit called The Hunters of Artemis that advocated for the protection of endangered species and the advancement of women's rights.

Annabeth spent most of the morning typing up notes from The Book of Job. It was shorter than Paradise Lost, so Annabeth decided to tackle it first. She made a google document where she gathered any wire that might prove useful. She attached each quote with the corresponding verse and line number, so she wouldn't have to worry about in-text citations later.

Thalia woke a little before noon. She took a shower, while Annabeth finished reading. When she was finished, Thalia was still in the shower. Annabeth our away her laptop and got out her textbook on architecture. She was halfway through her assigned reading for the weekend when Thalia stepped out of the bathroom. Her short black hair had been recently washed and was now styled in a spiky, punk hairdo. She was wearing ripped black jeans and a t-shirt that read "Punk isn't dead, you are."

"Want to grab lunch?" Thalia asked. "I'm starving."

Annabeth nodded and set down her textbook. As they walked to and ride in the elevator, they chatted about classes. One of Thalia's professors kept badgering her to apply for an internship. Annabeth told of how she had settled on a thesis topic.

"That's great," Thalia said as she grabbed some food.

The two friends checked out, using their student IDs at the register. They sat firm at a booth and began eating their grilled cheese sandwiches and fries. The tantalizing smell of oil and bread filled the air.

"Ahh, home sweet home," Thalia said.

Annabeth laughed and then caught eye of someone. They approached the table and Annabeth realized that he was the guy she had bumped into yesterday. "Percy," she said with a smile. "We meet again."

Thalia looked between the two of them. "You know him?"

"I bumped into her," Percy said with a wink.

"You mean you caused my books to fall to the ground," Annabeth corrected.

"And I picked them up," Percy said.

"You're a Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said.

"And you're a Wise Girl," Percy said.

Annabeth laughed. "What kind of an insult is that?"

Percy flushed like a starfish. "It's a compliment. May I sit here?"

Annabeth shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

The rest of lunch was filled with sneaking glances and lots of blushing.

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