Chapter Thirty-Four: Fish, Crackers, my dog and Sylvia

Start from the beginning

"Uh, no?"

Callum scoffed, "No wonder with your little bitty brain." He said, bringing another cracker into his mouth, crunching on it like a child.

"Do you understand that you are obsessed with stupid crackers? I mean, you say I have a small brain, but you must have a child's." I shook my head.

"Josh. If you don't understand the fine art of the delicate crunch of crackers, the seeping saltiness as it feathers along your tongue dissolving and mixing into the deliciousness of the perfect cracker. Than that sounds like a personal problem."

I let out a dumb laugh, "You're a poet, Callum." I said, in the same way 'you're a wizard, Harry.' Was said and Callum shrugged.

"I'm just saying. Crackers are the gift from god we didn't deserve. We have dogs and all, but they aren't edible in the way crackers are. And—"

"Speaking of dog, you should get peanut trained he's been acting up."

"He's not that bad at all!" Callum defended, eyebrows furrowed a bit.

"Dude. That thing is a brat." I whined. "I still have a scar on my ankle from it biting me."

Callum rubbed his hands, "Hes holding his own, like father like son."

"He's being a brat."

Callum shrugged, "he's not a brat, I love him." He grinned and I admired his dazzling smile, then his smile dropped. "Back to catfish. The thing was massive Josh, the biggest thing I've ever seen. It was massive. And the guy just... reeled him in, like it was no big deal." He sputtered, "I was flabbergasted, Joshy." He pulled out his phone and flipped through his camera. "Look." He showed me a picture and I raised my eyebrows.

"Holy crap it is pretty big..." I said, staring at the monster of a fish.

"Exactly! He was like 'I'm glad your uncle let you come on the boat today' and blah blah blah, but damn." He wiped at his forehead. "I didn't even do anything to help him and I got physically exhausted."

Awhile ago, Callum's uncle started coming back into his life but then he suddenly disappeared outta nowhere. Now he's coming back again.

It was kinda how Callum's family worked, well besides his parents and his sister. They stay in his life for a bit, they dip, then they come back and repeat.

But not his parents, Callum avoided any topic of his parents. Any calls from his parents he answered and then hung up immediately. He tried his best to hide it, but I saw his face change whenever they called.

Today while I was chilling with Sylvia, Callum went fishing with his Uncle's buddies, where they caught this monster.

"So what. Did you keep it?"

Callum shook his head. "It was too big. You can only keep them if you are above the minimum and below the maximum." He said fiddling with the necklace I gave him the day after his birthday.

The day he first kissed me.

Stop thinking about that and listen to him rant about a fish. I scolded myself.

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