Preferences: Dating him includes (part V)

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Luke Combs:

- Always hold hands with you

- Give you lots of kisses

- Calls you "baby" and "cowgirl"

- Says one day he will marry you

- You both dream about a big family and a nice house with a white fence on the countryside

- Sings for you

- Write love songs about you

- Getting drunk together on Friday nights

- Always make video calls when he is away on tour

-	Always make video calls when he is away on tour

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Sam Hunt:

- Riding around his little town while listening to music on the radio with the windows down on a hot summer day.

- Kissing you a lot.

- Making out in the back of the car.

- Calling him "baby" and he calls you "honey" or "babygirl"

- Sam writing songs about you

- Little romantic surprises.

- Going to the cinema every Friday.

-	Going to the cinema every Friday

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Keith Urban:

- Writing lots of country songs about you

- Romantic surprises like dinners

- Buying you flowers sometimes

- Always asking about your day

- Singing to you

- Holding your hand when you are in bed ready to go to sleep

- Talking about you a lot, even in interviews

- Always texting you goodnight when you two are away

-	Always texting you goodnight when you two are away

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Hey there!

I made lots of this dating preferences about country singers. If you have any suggestion, just message me or leave a comment.

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Thank you all!! <3

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