Joy Of My Life - Chris Stapleton

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You and Chris had been friends for so long. You knew all his family and his mother always treated you like a daughter. Chris was also always welcome to lunch on Sundays with your family, because your father really liked him and saw in him a good man.

And because you were best friends for so long it was hard for Chris to tell you he felt more than friendship for you. You had dated some stupid boys in your past that only broke your heart and it was hard for him to always be the one to hold you and see your tears. But how could he tell you he was in love with you? He didn't want to lose your friendship.

"Hi there!", you said when you arrived at Chris's house. It was Friday night and he invited you to dinner with his family.

"Hi (Y/N).", he kissed your cheek and you both went inside the house.

"It smells good. I'm hungry.", you said when you walked to the kitchen. "Hi Mrs. Stapleton!", you said and she turned around to see you.

"Hi, honey. I'm glad you came for dinner."

"I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.", you stated. "How can I help you with dinner?"

"Well, what about putting the table?", she said.

The dinner was great as always, and after that, you and Chris went outside to sit in the back of his truck. The night was warm and the stars were shining bright in the dark night sky. But even though the night was perfect, Chris looked a little worried.

"Are you alright?", you asked him. You were both sitting at the back of his truck. You could hear the crickets humming.

"Sure.", Chris said, but that response didn't convince you at all.

"Really? You're gonna start lying to me now?"

Chris's lips were curved in a small smile.

"It's... It's hard.", he said hesitating.

"You can tell me anything.", you said. "We are best friends Chris. Since little kids."

He looked at you. You were the prettiest girl he knows since kid garden. You grow together like it was always you and him against the world.

"Well, that's the problem...", he finally spoke.

"What?", you looked surprised.

Chris scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't want to be friends with you... I love you (Y/N)."

Chris saw the surprised look on your face and almost instantly regretted saying those words.

"Sorry, I didn't want to...", he tried to say but you cut him out with a kiss.

He hesitated at first before his strong arms holding you gently. Inside, your heart was racing.

"I really like you Chris.", you confessed. "I have always loved you.".

And he smiled tenderly at you feeling the luckiest man alive.

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