Swerve - Tyler Hubbard

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"And I can't even walk across the room without losing my cool

You got my world tippin' and spinnin', doin' what you do"

It was just another Friday night and you were sitting alone at your favorite bar. Between beers and some appetizers, you waited for the company of someone who seemed to be slow to arrive. Either way, you'd be out there listening to country music played live by a little band that might one day become famous (after all they played very well). The sound of conversations also filled the crowded space. Laughter echoed between the noise of conversation and music.

For long minutes you just sat there drinking your cold beer on the bar.

A young man approached and ordered a drink. He still looked at you for a moment and smiled, but didn't have the courage to speak. After taking his drink, he disappeared among the people at the bar. So you stood there alone waiting...

"Do you want to dance?", suddenly a voice asked behind you.

You turned to see Tyler there. He reached out to you and smiled.

"What's a pretty lady doing here all by herself?", he asked.

"Well, my boyfriend is always busy working.", You said. "So I guess he left me here all by myself again on a Friday night."

"Your boyfriends seem like a douchebag."

"Kind of.". You laughed.

Tyler touched your arm and sat next to you.

"Let me buy you a drink.", he said. "It's the best I can do. Another beer?"


He called the barman and asked for two beers. It wasn't long before he brought the drinks.

"How's work?" you asked. Tyler had been really busy with the new album with Brian. "I thought you wouldn't come here tonight."

"I've been busy with the last songs, but I always find time for everything." He said and drank a bit. "The album is almost done. It's gonna be great."

"That's nice." You said. Tyler and Brian deserved lots of success.

He set the beer on the counter and then held my hand.

"Let's dance." He asked when a new song started.

And you accepted, letting him guide you closer to the band. Tyler put his hands on your waist and being so close to him made you happy. You were slow dancing in that bar like nothing else mattered.

"I was wondering...", Tyler said while you were dancing. "Does your daddy let you date with all them curves?"

You just laughed.

"Your boyfriend is really an idiot.", Tyler said. "How can he leave you alone on a Friday night?"

"Sometimes he's an idiot, but I love him.", you said. "A lot."

Then the band changed the song and Tyler held your hand.

"Let me show you something.", he said.

"What do you have to show me?"

"It's a surprise. Trust me."

And holding his hand you went outside the bar. The night was cold and you kept your body closer to him. Just then you saw parking on the road next to the bar a red Bugatti.

"What do you think?", Tyler asked.

"It's yours?", you asked surprised. It was an incredible car.

"Ours.", he said, and then he took the keys out of his pocket. "It's ours now."

You just couldn't believe.

"I'm sorry for being late, baby.", Tyler said. "I had to get you this surprise."

Smiling, you left a kiss on his lips.

"I love you, Tyler Hubbard.", you said.


What's your favorite song by FGL? ("Swerve" and "Can't Say I Ain't Country" are my fav from this new album.)

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