Walmart - Sam Hunt

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After almost ten years, Sam remembered the way he felt when he held you in his arms, and the way you looked when you smiled. He tried his best to move on, but his thoughts about you kept returning. 

If he hadn't been so stupid, maybe you could still be on his arms... Or maybe you were both too young and naive to believe that love could last forever.

On a Sunday afternoon, same as every other Sunday, Sam had a surprising meeting on the most unexpected place. His eyes couldn't believe when he saw your mother. She looked the same as ten years ago, but this time she wasn't holding your hand but the hand of a pretty little girl, down the aisle at Walmart. Looking at the little girl's face, Sam could swear he saw you in her eyes.

"Sam.", your mother greeted him when she got closer.

"M'am.", he said, almost embarrassed. He remembered how your mother liked him and trusted him with your heart. But he broke his promises on the day he made you cry. His heart ached as he wished he could just turn back time and take it all back.

But maybe everything happened for a reason. 

"How are you doing?", she asked.

Sam simply nodded.

"Just fine.", he mumbles.

Your mother smiles at him, feeling sympathy for that young man. She never told you, but Sam was her favorite. She believed that you and him would eventually get back together, but maybe the destiny had other plans. Your mom was happy that you had found a really nice man and founded your family like you always wanted to.

Sam had so much to ask, but he fought the urge to ask about you. Instead, he told your mother he was in a rush and that he just went to the Walmart to buy a couple of stuff for work.

After saying goodbye and walking the grocery aisle, he took a quick look back to see your mother smiling at the little girl holding a bag of some chips.

As he drove back to his place, Sam thought that no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't stop thinking about everything you both lived together. He wanted to be able to erase all those sweet memories, but, deep down, his heart still belonged to you.

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