Preferences: Date

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Luke Bryan: He knows how you love a party in your little town, so on Friday he picks you up on his red truck to a party with country music, fun and (of course) lots of beer. You two have lots of fun together, ending up almost every Friday night dancing around (even when he says he doesn't know how to dance). By the end of the party, he takes you back home while you listen to some music on the radio. And when he parks the truck in your front yard you smile as always and steal a kiss before running inside the house like a little child in love.

Brett Young: He is an incurable romantic even if he doesn't admit it. So when you are out of work, he picks you up and you two take the train with no destination just to run away from the town for a couple of hours. You always loved the train (it reminds you of the time you lived in a big city far away from there). Brett and you love the idea of someday getting away to see the world. Maybe one day...

Sam Hunt: Sam is really a simple guy so wherever you want to go is fine to him. But in some days he just shows up at your house in his truck and tells you to come with him. "It's a surprise," he says. And even when you hated surprises all your life, you can't help but trust the man by your side. 

Blake Shelton: He knows exactly what you are thinking without even talking. Sometimes Blake just takes you on a trip to see Nashville (your favourite place in the world). You feel so happy walking those streets with your boots on. By the end of the day you two are exhausted so Blake takes you to a really nice restaurant to end up a perfect day.

Justin Moore: If someone told you years ago that soulmates exist you would laugh. But now, looking at Justin by your side, you are absolutely sure of that. It's like you two are made for each other. You and Justin really like going to the stadium to watch your favourite football team or going to a BBQ with some friends. So any date with Justin (whenever it is) is just perfect. 

Carrie Underwood: Carrie and you are always messing around. She knows how you used to feel so insecure about yourself so she makes sure she tells you all the time how pretty you look and how she loves you. On the rainy days your favorite place to be is home. Being on the couch watching a movie with the woman you love is all you ever needed. 

Chris Young: Chris knows how you love history so on the weekend you took a ride around to find some antique store or to visit a museum. He loves seeing you walking around the museum talking so passionately about everything you see. On the end of the date he takes you to a restaurant or you two go back home to enjoy some pizza on the couch. 

 Dustin Lynch: Your favourite date with Justin is when you two go on a star gazing road trip (it reminds you of your first date together when he kissed you for the first time making you fall even more in love with him). You just need to find a really quiet place on the country side to enjoy the night sky together laying down on a blanket and while stealing some kisses.


How's your perfect date?

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