Alcohol You Later - Mitchell Tenpenny

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"Mitchell," my friend said, raising his glass of beer in the air. "A toast to us."

We all raised our glasses for a toast. My Friday nights were always spent with friends at our favorite bar downtown talking, laughing and drinking. We were all friends since school days and although our lives have followed different courses, our friendship has never faded.

Suddenly one of their cell phones rings and he walks away from the table for a moment to answer.

"It was my wife.", he says as he returns to the table. "I'll be heading back home soon."

"She has you in the palm of her hand, doesn't she?", another friend joked.

"It's the life of a man in love."

And in that he was right. A man in love does anything to a woman he loves ... and I was no different. I would do everything for her... But the truth is that I don't think she loves me anymore.

Not after everything I've done: the days I was not present, the nights I spent in a bar drinking, the beautiful women I wished for in my bed. She never deserved anything that I put her through. And I'm a complete idiot because I didn't see that my whole world was right there in front of me and I just hurt her with my attitudes. I really think she deserves a much better man than me, a man who loves her and puts a ring on her finger, but I'm selfish and I can't say goodbye to her ... Not when I still love her so much.

(But I only hurt her...)

"Hey Mitchell.", A friend called me, getting me away from my thoughts. "Are you ok, brother?"

"Yeah, sure.", I lied.

He looked at me as if he didn't believe me.

"It's because of her, isn't it?", He asked.

He knew me too well. Maybe it was obvious to see how much I suffered now, drowning myself in alcohol every night.

"I don't think I'll ever know how to stop loving her.", I confessed.


Little by little my friends were saying goodbye, until at that table, previously full of friends, only me and my bottles were left. I was drunk and I should go home... Only that I knew that at home just an empty cold bed had been waiting for me since she had left me...

But when I sat behind the wheel of my car all I wanted was to be able to drive to her house until the headlights of the car light up the driveway and I got the courage to knock on the door. I'd do anything to get her back ... I'd beg on my knees if that's what she wanted me to do. I would not be afraid to confess all my mistakes and apologize.

Because I love her so much that I don't think I can live without her.

And as I drove through the rain from the starry sky, I could not erase her from my mind. And in an act of courage I picked up my cell phone to call her. I just wanted to hear her voice. She was the number one on my speed dial and I waited for a while until she picked up. My heart was beating so fast in my chest.

"Mitchell?", her voice sounded from the other side of the call.

"Hi baby...", I said.

"Is everything okay, Mitch?"

It was late at night and she was probably asking herself why I was calling.

"I'm sorry, baby... I was a fool...", I tried to say, but the alcohol was getting the best of me. "I should have loved you the way you deserve baby... I should have never hurt you. I broke your heart and I know I was a rascal... I'm really sorry..."

She stayed in silence for a while before speaking again:

"Mitchell... I don't know what to say...", she said.

"I'm sorry, baby... I'm sorry..."

Tears were flooding my eyes while I tried to keep driving to God knows where.

"Are you really okay, Mitch?", she asked. "Are you drunk?"

"Yeah... But I am really sorry...", I tried to say. "Can I see you? Can I pass through your house just to see you?"

She seemed to hesitate.

"You shouldn't drive while you're drunk.", she said. "Come home, Mitch. I'll be waiting for you."

And she should know that for her I would wait for my whole life.

"I'm coming over, baby.", I said.

And I know I shouldn't do it, but these shots I'm shooting make me not give a damn and now it's one more last time 'Cause alcohol, alcohol, alcohol you later...


I would alcohol him later 💖

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