Alaric POV

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I successfully got the High Lords and Ladies of Pyrthian to agree to go to Terresan for a ball. Rest assured, this was no easy feat.

When I came back they were having a meeting, all together. I told them where I had been and there was a lot of yelling. But eventually they directed their anger to Tamlin after my dad checked my memories and confirmed that Queen Aelin was most certainly not Amarantha.

Tamlin didn't seem pleased with the thought of going to a place where most people probably wanted to kill him, so he refused at first, obviously fearing for his life. But then again, his vote didn't matter since he was going to have to go regardless of whether the other lords and ladies were coming or not.

I couldn't wait to see my Elentiya again. My family was still a bit pissed that Kainda and I didn't tell them where we were going beforehand. I know that we were going to have a very interesting conversation later on that night.

"So you went there, through a possibly unstable portal, to another world, to a castle that might inhabit our worst enemy, with absolutely no regard for your personal safety ... to see your mate."

"So you do understand dad!" I grinned. He did not reciprocate my feelings about what I had done.

"I can't believe you would go without any guards."

Kainda cleared her throat. "Don't think you're off the hook either." My dad turned to her the instant she made a sound.

The entire night my father, Uncle Cassian, Mor, my mom, basically everyone in the inner circle lectured us to a great extent.

"As punishment, Kainda isn't allowed to go to the ball, and you aren't allowed to stay the night there like the rest of the high Fae going."

"But dad-"

"Why would you need to stay the night anyway?"

I had no answer. Hey dad, Elentiya and I snuggle at night!

"You do?"

"CRAP!" He snuck into my mind.

"You said you snuggle aloud."

Great going Alaric. Just then the most unexpected thing ever happened. To truly understnad how this is unexpected, you have to realize that Kainda forced herself to throw up just last year so she would not have to go to a gathering where she may have had to dance with someone.

"I don't get why I can't go to the ball!" Kainda burst out.

"Why would you be going?" Cassian asked. It was true that she normally loathed these types of things.

"Mor! Mom!  Pleeease!" Mor looked like she wanted to cry, this was the first time that Kainda had ever showed interest in this type of thing. Nesta looked at Cassain who was a bit surprised.

Mor pitched in, "Cmon Rhys, Cassian, she should be allowed to go. I have the prettiest dress that she can wear. Besides, is there a special someone waiting for you?"

A what? A WhAt? Who the hell could it have been? "Why do you want to go?" was a bit curious too.

"To support Elentiya! And I kinda was asked to save a..." she started mumbling unrecognizable words.

"A what?" It faded off into nothing. Then her wings got all stiff and she yelled,

"A male asked me to save him a dance you stupid cousin of mine!"

Cassian started choking on air. "A-A man?! Why do want to hang out with a man!"

"He's not that much older than me. He's like 27."

Cassian looked like he was going to have a heart attack. "That's like... That's 8 years older than you!"

"Alaric is more than 50 years older than Elentiya!"

"I know Alaric, plus, they're mates. It's different. If I told him he couldn't see her he would have a strong ass instinct to fight me till I let him see her again. But you? I have no idea who this boy is, no idea what his job is, his education, his family, does he have a secret girlfriend, what is so important about him that you would fight me against staying home from a ball, which I know you hate!"

"Uncle Cassain, you should interrogate him at the ball. I'm sure Kainda can point him out for you, or you know, you'll see them dancing!"

Cassian looked like he was ready to murder me when I mentioned her dancing with him.

"It's Ozias who asked me."

"HIM?! He's moody, rude, and annoying! Not to mention you are way too good for his ass! He couldn't even-"

"Shut the fuck up you dumbass! You don't know what your talking about!"

"I thought he was centuries old by the way he acts!"

"Ugh! Just leave me be! I'm going there!"

"And I'm staying the night!"

"Don't you two dare try and pull that trick again!" Nesta yelled.

I couldn't get her off my mind. She could break my heart a thousand times over and I would come running arms open every time. She was what I needed to complete my soul, my life, my everything. She was my mate. 

"Dad. Please." I looked him dead in the eye. He sighed.

"Maybe we can let you off the hook this time." Nesta shrugged.

"YES! I'm going to the ball!" Cassian was looking like he was about to cry. 

"How do we know this Ozias would be willing to support you?"

"Dad! It's a dance, not marriage." 

Cassain didn't talk much after that, but more just stayed in silence while Nesta helped Kainda with picking out a dress for the upcoming ball. Dad stayed by my mom and snuggled, it wasn't fair that Elentiya wasn't here. 

And soon enough, the ball came. All the high lords arrived and soon Tamlin was no where to be seen. And I'm pretty sure Darrow was a few seconds away from a heart attack when he learned I was actually a future high lord of a country they didn't have a relationship with yet.

Then I saw her, my princess. 

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