Alaric POV

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Who the hell was that? "Who was that?"

"I'm not really sure. But for some reason I trust him." She hugged me. "Thanks for taking me here." As a human she still seemed so tough. So scary. But yet so much easier to break. I winnowed us back to the Night Court. She shifted back into Fae and I felt she was safer.

"Dad! Mom!"

"Yes?" They said at the same time.

"Someone told Elentiya to tell you both something."

"Elentiya?" It was my mom. Elentiya cleared her throat.

"Yes he told me, 'The dead queen does not forget though you may hide.""

Dad looked worried. "It can't mean she's coming back."

"Of course it couldn't. Who would be crazy enough to revive her? And who could do it without all of the high lords and lady?"

"No one. It was probably someone trying to unnerve us. Who was it Elentiya?"

"Im not sure. He felt familiar to me."

"Well you should stay away from people that spout that nonsense. Don't worry about it."

She nodded. But it wasn't a completely honest nod. Kainda walked in.

"Hi Kainda."

"Ugh. Why doesn't everyone realize I'm in a bad mood today? Can't you just leave me alone!" She slammed a door without even going in the room. It was already night and she stormed back into her room. Elentiya walked up there following her.


"Hold on. I'll see you later."


I followed Kainda up the stairs and stood in her room closing the door. "So? What happened?"

"Nothing I'm telling you."

"Tell me what happened and I can help."

"No. You wouldn't understand."

"Try me. I bet I can help."

"Well I bet you can't because you have everything."

"Not really."

"Oh? You have a boy who's head over heels for you. He would do anything to win your affection."

"Do you want to know my problem with that?"

"You have a problem with a boy who loves you and would possibly kill for you if you asked him too. It's not like I tried so hard for Carson to like me and he ends up with Alaric's ex Sansa!" Tears were rolling down her cheeks. I sat next to her. "I thought that if-if you. If Alaric could fall in Love so easy then maybe Carson could too."

"Oh Kainda. Boys never work how you want them to. First off he sounds like a jerk. So tell me more about him."

"Well, he's Fae and doesn't like me since I'm part Illyrian. Thinks it's weird I have wings. And that if I was full Fae I think he would like me a lot more. Why does he think like that?"

"I don't know. Boys are stupid sometimes."I rubbed her back. "Besides, he probably isn't mature enough for you. Fucking a slut just means he isn't worth it. If he really liked you, then he would've not done that. He will probably be done with her in about a week."

"Your right. I just wish he wasn't against my wings. My mom said to take your revenge and cut off one of his fingers. My dad said to ignore him."

"Well maybe you could get revenge with me in a different way."

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