Alaric POV

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Okay, so maybe I made a small impression. Growling at the king while holding his daughter protectively wasn't the first thing on my list of things to do.

But here I was. Growling.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm Alaric. Isn't it obvious?" I held her tighter.

Rowan started growling. The other males didn't like me touching their princess either. But Elentiya was my princess.

"Guys maybe we should introduce ourselves." It was the Queen. I was a bit shorter than Rowan, but I could raise fucking hell if they pushed me too far. I was not going to get out if this stance.

"Excuse me!" Never mind! The Queen seemed mad. I stepped down. I still wanted then to like me. Rowan too. Elentiya stepped next to me and I squeezed her hand.

She laughed a little. That made me smile.

Darrow screamed. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? I knew it wasn't good to let someone like you in the palace. No matter if the princess invited you or not."

Anthony spoke up. "King Rowan, allow me to introduce myself as future Lord Siet of Pofon in Adarlan."

I wanted to slug him in the face for giving my mate the eye. By the eye, I mean he obviously checked her out. Then he scoffed at me.

"I can..." he paused and looked me up and down, "contribute something to this kingdom as well as my heart to your daughter." I hoped he challenged me to fight. Cassian has told me once:

"My boy, the day comes when you meet a pompous ass. And you will want nothing more than to fuck his face up. And when you do... you won't regret it! Go for it! Punch punch punch!", I had a great uncle.

Oh I wanted to fuck his smug little face up.

Then Rowan grabbed his hand shaking it. He shook each of their hands then held them out as Elentiya rinsed water over them. She was so talented.

"Okay boys you can go hang out with Rowan, but be back for dinner. He's the one to impress."

It was only morning. Oh damn. "Kainda! That's for suitors and stuff. Come hang out with us."

"Okay! Alaric your on your own." I walked out with the others knowing when the time came I would fuck up Anthony.

When we arrived King Rowan was sparring. The opponents were Lorcan, Fenrys, Aedion, and the king of Adarlan, Dorian was there to spar as well. The boys named Sam and Ozias were sparring too. The girls inside were apparently much better at fighting than them.

Rowan saw me and growled. "Didn't take the hint? All of you Beat it. I am not your friend until my daughter finds you worthy."

Worthy? Oh I was worthy. And I would prove it to him. "Whatever it takes."

"You. Next time your growl at me, I'll beat your ass. And if you think that my daughter, deserves a person that's after money and power, trust me, she'll see through you."

"That is not what I am here for."

"I highly doubt that's the truth."

"I wouldn't be here for anything along those lines. I love your daughter." And she loves me too. So suck on that! Of course I didn't say that last part out loud because I want him to like me.

"Oh you do? Would you die for her?"

"Yes." It wasn't even a question.

"Would you fight me?"

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