Elentiya POV

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Where I learned to train? In my dreams. Because of that women. Tonight I dreamed a vivid dream. It was so real. As if it actually happened. I was running down a hallway on flames and ice while my parents chased me. They howled with laughter then caught me. They brought my to the bath and I tried screamed but it didn't work. That they were going to whip me. To run away. To keep fleeing. I started trying to cry. Then Alaric was shaking me awake. "Elentiya? Elentiya! It's only a dream. " I had started crying. I felt so weak right there in front of him. I just couldn't believe myself. I was so stupid. He would think I was stupid.

I looked up at the stars from my balcony. I walked upstairs all the way to the roof. I didn't want to shift. Everything I loved was always hurt in one way or another. My hope, my magic, my strength, my freedom. Everything else that others took for granted. Every once and a while Tamlin said I was getting fat and starve me a bit.

I always look sickly after that. I sat up their on the roof and pulled my knees to my chest. I then looked up at all the stars. I saw the stag, Lord of the North. I had a single tear run down my face. I wanted those parents in my dreams. Because I knew they would never whip me. If they annoyed each other the girl sent him away to make her a cake. I would never get what they were talking about. Then the women would pick me up.

"My darling. My sweetheart. No one shall dare ever hurt you when you are with us. No one shall dare try to touch you in any wrong way with us." She hugged me close and brought me to a table where their were humans and Fae alike. Laughing with one another. Having a good time. And I was their to screeching like a little baby. I wanted to see human towns. I wanted to go their and prove Fae were better than people thought. I could charm people. People were always so excited to the women in my dreams. I could shift into a human and a hawk.

If I shifted into a human in would be helpful. So I shifted. And the air was less sharp. But the stars were the same. Just as beautiful. Because humans and Fae didn't see beauty or hope differently. They just were afraid the acknowledge it. I wasn't. I spread my arms out and welcomed the cool breeze. I shifted back to Fae and went back to my room. I wanted to go to the humans and see what they were like.

Were they kind? Were they rude? Were we better off hidden? Over the ground? With Tamlin it had never been an option to find out. No choice in the matter. The answer was no with a slap. Even though it could've greatly improved our relationship with the humans. I wasn't allowed in the high lord meetings. My brother was though. It wasn't as if I didn't understand what they said. Of course I understood! It was so stupid. I could handle half that stuff in an instant.

"Have any of you ever been over the wall?"

"Yes we some of us have. Why do you ask?" It was Rhysand.

I thought about Tamlin slapping me. "Oh I was just wondering."

Alaric's eyes lit up. "Could I take her over the wall dad?"

High Lord Rhysand was obviously thinking. "I suppose, but you would need a human to go with you. So they know your not a threat." I shape shifted into a human right then and there.

"So I could really go?" Rhysand's eyes were wide. He nodded. Then I hugged Alaric. For suggesting the idea. He hugged me back.

"Or course you could go." Alaric whispered in my ear when we hugged. I noticed what I was wearing.

I whispered back, "what do I wear?" Elain spoke up.

"I believe that Feyre might have something." Feyre grinned and took my hand.

"Yes yes yes yes yes! Oh god. What do I wear?" Feyre took me to her room. Then she pulled out a drawer that had a human outfit that looked like it would fit perfectly.

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