Elentiya/Alaric POV

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He kissed my hand goodbye a few short minutes ago, "I must take my leave, my princess." I repeated his words to myself. "His princess." I could see my father's eyes burning into the back of his head. My dad could really get along with Alaric, but when Alaric is flirting with me, it makes things a bit more complicated.

After hours of my mom teasing me about Alaric,

He seems nice.

You like him don't you? I can tell you do.

Your dad seems to like him the best but just because he knew that he was willing to fight for you.

Also, I think violet eyes with gold rings would look good on little ones that are running around this castle.


And finally, after hours of endless torturous interrogation, it was time to eat dinner.

The chefs had prepared steak, bread, vegetables, fruits, and I had made a cake, chocolate per mom's request, for after dinner.

I may have changed into something emerald green too, it was a good color on me. My top was covered emerald green and was very loose and airy. I looked pretty cute. I wore black pants too. I really wanted Alaric to notice me.

I had kissed him twice before, once like the world was crashing down around us and the other like we would never run out of time.

I really liked him. He was kind, sweet, funny, smart, not to mention really hot. I came down in my new outfit to see he was talking with my dad.

What were they talking about? Was my dad threatening him? I felt an urge to go over there to see what was going on. But I wouldn't, because he wasn't mine. For some weird reason that made my heart drop. Maybe I could... no. I'm not going to do this. He isn't mine.

He. Is. Not. Mine.

My dad seemed to be threatening all my possible "suitors" through eye contact. I felt my ears go red. I didn't even like those boys. I only liked Alaric.

Then they called us to eat. Everyone sat down and Alaric was across from me. I had to restrain myself to not get up and force Kainda to switch with me just so I could sit next to him. Anthony was next to Alaric. Of course he had to open up his big mouth.

"You know Elentiya, I am very familiar with Adarlan and would be more than happy to show you around. You know I am a Lord." So is Alaric. He just kept blabbing on and on about all his accomplishments. I play the violin. I have money. I have land. When I'm king I'll be sure to help this country. That made Alaric snap.

Just as he was about to say something else, Alaric threw his water on him. That only made him speak up.

"EXCUSE ME! See this is why he should be escorted out of the palace. He couldn't even act like king if he tried." He patted his face with a napkin to get rid of the water as if it was garbage on his face.

"I could act like a king. It would be even easier to be a lord." That caught everyone's attention. And I saw Fenrys trying not to burst into laughter.

Anthony scoffed, "Please. Years of training. Years. All that in one night?"

"Easy. Like I said." He was smirking at me. The future high lord of the night court was being told that he couldn't act like a lord.

I sighed as he continued. "I bet you that I can act like a lord for the entire day tomorrow. If I can, you have to admit I'm better than you."

Anthony scoffed again, "and if you lose?"

"Won't happen."

"You couldn't even act like a lord for a minute, so I'm not worried that I'll win."

"I'll lord the fucking crap outta you. Just watch and learn." Oh Alaric. I grinned at his eyes that were settled on me and me alone. It was so stupid but so entertaining to witness.

He really did it this time. Anthony was red in the face. "Well fine then. I can't wait to see you make a fool out of yourself." Alaric's small laughter rang through my ears like music.

For the rest of the dinner, Anthony didn't say a word. So it was a lot nicer. There was small conversation throughout the table and I just was focused on trying not to focus only on Alaric.

It was getting late so we all went to bed. Alaric and Kainda we're prepared 2 guests rooms in the castle. I couldn't get to sleep. When I finally did, it was a nightmare.

I couldn't save Alaric. I was weak, pathetic even. I couldn't save him. I screamed out as loud as I could for someone to help me. I kept screaming. No one would come to help me. No one would come to help him. I was alone.


I woke up in the middle of the night to sobbing. I followed it to Elentiya's bedroom. I knocked and her father opened it. His face was strained and his hands were shaking. Then I saw her. My beautiful princess, not letting anyone touch her as she cried. And if they did she jerked back from their touch.

"Elentiya." I walked over slowly. As if approaching a wild animal. She was so scared. I hated that. I was about to reach out to her when her dad stopped my arm. If she could just feel her mate, it might ease her.

I shook off his grip. "Elentiya. It's me, Alaric." I allowed comforting darkness to swirl through the air and everyone looked at me in shock. I touched her arm and she didn't jerk back. Instead she looked me right in the eye and said,

"No one would help me." I can't believe she would think that. "No one would help you. He kept hurting you and I kept screaming and- and-." She held out her arms for me. I picked her up and brought her back to the bed. She was sobbing and clinging to me. I felt my heart shatter with every sob.

Then I did the only thing I could. I reached down the mating bond and took a lot of her pain for myself. It was very painful, but I would do it a thousand times for her. I hugged her tight. She finally relaxed and I sent calming shadows to lull her to sleep. When she was finally asleep, I could see apparent shock on everyone's face.

I was still cradling her and she was calm. At this point we were just snuggling in bed.

I was fine staying all night here. I went into her mind and I changed her dream to Starfall in Velaris. She seemed much happier.

I tried to get up to try and leave, when she whimpered no. I laid back down and pulled her as close to my chest as I could. I kissed her forehead and saw her smile in her sleep. Rowan was dragged out of the room by the queen and was silently threatening in any way he could, so the queen couldn't see as they left the room.

He obviously hate the idea of his daughter in a room, unsupervised, with a male.

I stayed up the rest for 3 hours straight monitoring her dreams. At dawn I fell asleep with my mate in my arms. And I had the most wonderful dream.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

"Yes Sweetheart?"

"I made a picture of our family!" There showed Elentiya and I standing together. Holding our daughter in our arms and her Mother's pregnant belly.

"It's magnificent." She giggled and bopped my nose with her palm. Her mother was laughing. I kissed my daughter and my wife on the head. "Do you see how talented our daughter is?"

"I do. She's even better than you." I laughed and hugged my 2 girls tight.


All there was to be seen in that bedroom was two people sharing the same dream, and the same wish. Holding each other tightly and planning to never let go.

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