Kainda POV

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She pulled me onto the dance floor and began dancing like a pro. As if she had taken classes of dancing. But it wasn't that. It wasn't traditional. It was almost foreign. Which made everybody look. I got out of there quick and went to the drink bar. Just to get a shot. Then I heard laughing and turned. Carson. He was gorgeous, but so prejudice against Illyrians. I felt ugly around him. Who was I kidding he might go for me. He wouldn't waste his time.

"Oh look at you. A makeover and at the club. Who are you with? Your cousin?"

"No a friend."

"Pity then. I didn't think you had any friends. Especially since your just a dumb little Illyrian slut." He spay Illyrian at me. I felt like punching him. Except I thought if what Elentiya would say.

"Well that's too bad. Especially since I'll put in a bad word with my friend." A wicked grin.

"I wouldn't care what your friend thought of me if she was the last girl on earth."

"Well here she comes now." People all stared as she walked by. Her hair was styled so everyone wanted to touch it. She looked like a queen. Walked like everyone else but more confident. Her gold crop top shined as she walked. God how I envied her right now.

"Kainda! Come dance. I'm getting lonely out there without anyway to dance with." She leaned on the counter and was shaking her hips. I saw Carson eyes widen. I knew it was an act but it still hurt. "Who are these pretty males then?"

"First off I am not going to dance with you. Second they just said that they wouldn't dance with you if you were the last person on earth because you were my friend." Carson paled.

"Aww Cmon your just being overdramatic." She threw her arms around Carson's neck. "I'm sure that someone could dance with me." He looked her over and grabbed her hips.

"Of course I'll dance." He has that warm smile I knew was fake. And those kind eyes with were actually lust filled.

She laughed and grabbed his hands off her waist and began heading to the dance floor with him. She was dancing and he was dancing along with her. Though she was batter at it. How could I ever compete with her? With someone else? When I get married she'll be there. The groom will be staring at her. Just like everyone is today.

"You know we don't have anything against a girl with wings." Ew ew ew! Carson's friend Tybalt grinned.

"Ew. No way."

"That makes it so much more fun." Two of them grabbed me and dragged me to one of the sound proof rooms they have. Elentiya caught my eye and began rushing over. Carson grabbed her arm. They brought me into the room and one of them. Tybalt pushed me up against a wall. They tied my hands and legs and the rest of them left Tybalt alone with me. I tried screaming for help. But he kissed me and muffled the noise. I hated it. I tried to knee him . But he stepped down on my ropes. I tried screaming again. But we are in a soundproof room. Then he heard banging outside on the door. Thumps of a body. Elentiya. God what was in that girl's head. Then she opened the door and a wind cane out of nowhere and threw him against the opposite wall. Then a wind dragged the rest of Carson's friends along with Carson in the room. Suddenly my ropes turned into ash. DAMN SHE JUST DID THAT! She grabbed my arm and we started out of the room. "If your all too horny then fuck each other."

She closed the door. Then she started home out of the club. "Head home Kainda. There's something I need to do." I spread out my wings and left her there. I flew home.

When I arrived home everyone asked where Elentiya was. "I'm not sure. She said to go home because she has to do Something.  And I trust her to be safe."

"So you left my mate in a street alone."

"Ah ah ah! She had herself. And that girl threw those boys! Okay so this is what happened. She got asked to dance and agreed. The one of his friends asked me and I said no. Then they grabbed me and dragged me to a room. They tied my hands and legs. And they this one boy began forcing me against the wall and kissing me. Then I heard a thump of a body outside. At first I thought it was Elentiya." I grinned. "Then she came in and the boy that kissed my flew across the floor and stopped breathing. My ropes were burned and threw the boy that was dancing with her and their friends that guarded the door. I swear on the cauldron it was amazing."

"So Alaric's mate saved my only daughter from rape?" It was dad. I nodded. "Well I would like to thank her myself."

"Right I don't know where the hell she is. Or any clue where she went. Or when she is coming back."

"Kainda. Let me get this straight. You left my mate alone in a random street. Quite possibly no way to get home. No idea of when she's coming home. No idea where she's going. No idea who the Fuck she might be forced to do? All it takes is some ash wood chains that you can't burn through. Azriel could you track her with your shadows?" He nodded.

"Already trying to. And...." he paused. "Got her. They are currently following her. Shit! How the hell shes do that?"

"Do what?"

"She looked straight at the shadows, and shifted into a hawk with wind in her favor flying her away from me. I'm barely keeping up." He was showing effort to making his shadows keep up with her. Then he stopped.

"She's meeting 2 men, and 2 girls. They are greeting her. One girl is human? But she doesn't care. The boys ruffle her hair and she punched them in the arm. The other girl is not human but I can't really tell what she is. She pointing at me. SHIIIT!" He fell out of his chair. We were all a bit concerned. Why was she meeting these people? "There was a shadow of their own. With sharp iron teeth and claws. She was grinning from the bushes at me. I felt her face settle directly on me. She was gorgeous too. She seemed nice. And very elegant movements. And my mind said she was my mate. Gods ABOVE! Shit. I want to ask Elentiya who she is but that would blow my cover and I lost her anyway."

"Wait she's meeting 4 people that act like her best friends? How many times has she pulled this act then. This act of: hi I'm a pretty girl and can be your best friend. I'm always friendly to everyone. I never get mad. I'm really sweet. I can cook breakfast. I'm powerful too. Really don't worry. I'll just not tell you my parents. Or their names. And I won't tell you shit about who I'm arranged married to! THAT BITCH HAS BEEN PLAYING US ALL!"

"Arranged marriage? What?"

"Oopsie. I mean I'm sure it's nothing. I mean cmon. She'll probably be back in the morning." Ack she was too nice to get mad at me. She would be fine.

She cane back next afternoon. "Hi guys!"

"So your getting married. To who?" Shit Alaric.

"It doesn't matter." She narrowed her eyes at me. "What matters is I told one of you. I didn't expect her to tell the rest of you. It's good to know."

Feyre stepped in for me. "Honey why didn't you tell us we can help yo-"

"No you can't. Because I'm choosing to go through with it for my father. So forget about it. Okay?"

"Okay Elentiya. But just known we are here for you."

"Of course. Besides. I love him." The words stuck out like lies to me. Lies laced with poison. She gave me a look of betrayal. As if I had just put a knife to her back and kicked her down on the ground. But I knew only I could see it. God she would never trust me with a thing again.

"I haven't met him in person yet. I have only exchanged letters with him so far." What she said next made Alaric turn into a shell. "He said when I was a baby he met me and felt a mating bond and would've liked to be around me as I grew up. But my father wouldn't allow him to see me till I was 18. And I turn 18 next month. So I finally get to meet my mate." She said it in a dreamy way. As if she was a lovestruck girl. Who fell deeply in love with a boy she didn't even know yet. I hated her like this. Just pretending she was alright. But never truly okay. Just a little girl. Crying out for help but was never heard. And I could tell it broke Alaric.

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