Chapter 2: Stockholm Syndrome

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Davina Alianovna

Gavin and I went downstairs to the training room, where two sides of the grey walls are upholstered with weapons of different kinds: knives, blades, guns, grenades. All work out equipments scattered properly in the room with a huge ring in the middle and an indoor shooting area at the far back.

My brother and I have been training here ever since we were kids, him being five years my senior started first at the age of four, while I started when I turned five.

Over the years, I've surpassed his level and continued on mastering different kinds of martial arts and mastered different weaponry, He's more keen in hand to hand combats than guns, is a natural born leader and is actually quite smart, while I mastered and excelled both hand to hand combats and weaponry fights because of my quick reflexes, though I can't for the life of me lead properly, I'm just so indecisive and panics when someone relays their life on me.

Between us, despite his large exterior compared to my petite one, I was the brawns of the two while he was the brains.

But the lucky bastard, Gavin got the best of both worlds, he was the brains and the brawn between him and Leo because of his photographic memory; but his brother did excel more in one thing, Leo's a dead shot, he perfectly shoots his target without effort and can easily aim blades at his opponents, never missing them.

Initially my parents, never wanted me to take up being an assassin, the purpose of my training was to know how to defend myself if I'm ever in danger; but at a young age I've developed quite a liking to it and told them I wanted to continue and take up the same level of training like my brother.

They were skeptical because they saw me as a porcelain doll that they wanted to protect, so I called my grandfather to persuade them which they finally agreed; I was getting sick and tired of how they treat me to be like a delicate little flower because I'm a girl; The Russian Mafia hasn't had a daughter for five generations now, that's why when they found out, they probably felt overwhelmed and wanted to protect their only daughter.

That's why when I met Gavin, I felt excited and overjoyed that someone - other than my grandfather -, wasn't walking on eggshells on me and was actually challenging me, we still hate each other but we've developed a common ground through the years.

I removed my tank top revealing my black sports bra that I paired with some black leggings while Gavin removed his shirt, we both wrapped our hands with boxers tape and went inside the ring.

I didn't wait for him to prepare and threw a punch which he quickly dodged so I followed it with an uppercut on his chin that caught him off guard. "Why don't you wanna marry me?" He asked as he turned his gaze back to me.

"I think the real question here is: Why do you?" I ask, we're circling around each other with both our hands in position. I kicked him in the face that made him fall so I quickly straddled him and pressed my hands on his throat choking him. "Why?" I asked again.

"Ohh kinky" he just smiled at me, gripped my wrist twisted it and before I knew it he was straddling me, both my hands at each side of my head with him pinning it in place so I don't move.

"That's why" He tilted his head on my right hand that's fighting against his grip. "I've always known I'm gonna marry for the Mafia ever since they taught me that I'll take over someday." He returned his oceanic blue orbs to my emerald green ones.

"You know how many girls were introduced to me during the first hour of my 18th birthday, forty-four." He paused. "All of them were either too young, too innocent, too obnoxious or too spoiled for my liking."

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