Chapter 3: Who's behind this?

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Davina Alianovna

We entered my fathers office, a small living area in the centre of the room and behind it is my father's dark mahogany desk. Two couches are facing each other and an arm chair in the middle facing the door, my father in the middle while Grant on the left couch with Iris and my mom opposite of them.

"We're glad you kids are alright." My mom says giving us a small genuine smile. "We're sorry we had to leave you." She added.

"It's okay, how are you?" I ask taking a seat next to her, she replied with telling us she's okay and so is Grant.

"Do we have any leads on who's behind this?" Gavin started as he took a sit on the arm of the chair on the opposite side of my couch. Damien poured himself a drink and poured another glass and gave it to me as he took a seat next to me. Leo sat beside his mom and soon we started thinking and analysing who attacked us in the restaurant.

"Those were trained assassins but they didn't hold any markings of a gang." Leo stated.

"Either that or that Mafia doesn't want to be known yet." My brother added as he took a gulp of whiskey.

Each Mafia members hold a symbol or a logo that indicates which gang they belong to.

The Moretti's hold the symbol of an 'M' with a dragon under it while my family represents the symbol of the letter 'A' with our motto "Семья прежде всего" sem'ya prezhde vsego (family above all) in Russian Letters with glyphs surrounding it.

Once you enter the family you get it tattooed on your body, some still gets it burned on their body following the old initiation but ours have already evolved and uses ink to mark us.

If you're born in the family, the parents decide when you'll earn your marking, I earned mine after my first mission and kill 4 years ago when I was 14.

We talked for two hours still not figuring out who sent those men. Whoever sent them are professionals, they planned the attack knowing that there's a large possibility that it might fail that's why they didn't use their own gang members if it was from a Mafia family.

Since we're not sure if the attack was meant for my family or Gavin's, our parents have come to an agreement that we will stay together in this safe house until the Moretti's fly back home in Italy, which will be after our engagement party.

We've associated ourselves back in our respected rooms to wash up and get ready for bed. The next morning, instead going back to our usual routine, we went on every possible suspects that wants us dead and until now we have none, you would think we'll have a long list by now with enemies lurking around but as far as we know all of our enemies are dead thanks to moi.

Our family is very rational, we kill for a purpose that's why we're the biggest Mafia in the world. The Italian Mafia is the most powerful with them being at number one and us being at number two but we're the largest if we're talking about the quantity of our members, that's why our parents have decided to form a permanent alliance so that no one will be able to mess with us.

Since no immediate suspects have come to mind, Gavin and I, yes we thought of this plan which is a first, thought that we can use our engagement party as bait on whose gonna attack us or who will act suspicious during the event.

Our engagement hasn't been out yet in our world, the reason for the party is not explained in the invitation only that it's hosted by the Russian and Italian Mafia. All Mafia families are invited as well as our suppliers just to make sure that we're not undermining the ones who attacked because as of now everyone's a suspect.

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