Author's Note

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Hello Everyone, Thank you so much for giving this story a chance, I will be continuing this, but I'll probably put it on hold for a while, I already have two new chapters at the ready, I'm just debating with myself if it will fit with the storyline.

Currently, Uni have just been really stressful right now with all the school works they give out and I'm having a writer's block with this story, but right now I am working on a Harry Potter fanfiction called "Already Seen", it's a YOUNG Regulus x Hermione fanfic where Hermione travels back in time to right the wrongs after Harry dies, only this time she's back in her 11 year old body without the last seven years of her life. So if you want to check it out it's on my Wattpad account or on ao3.

Again, Thank you so much for reading, This story is definitely not abandoned but will be put on hold for a while.

Just let me get my shît together.


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