Questions & Haircuts

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I've been asking my dad if Clem and I can now be armed from now on.

"Not right now."

I pouted.

He then explained. "We lost a lot of our weapons at the motor inn. So, even if you could, we'd have to find a couple more for you two."

I nodded, understanding the reason.

He turned towards the door. "I'm gonna go back to the front, okay?"

I nodded as he began walking out of the boxcar.

I turned around to see Clementine sitting on the ledge of the train again. Maybe this will be a good time to ask her about the radio?

I walked towards her slowly and sat next to her. Her face stayed straight ahead as she watched the trees go by.

I decided to get to the point. "So... who are you talking to?"

Her eyes widened and she faced me. "W-What do you mean?"

"I saw you talking to your walkie-talkie."

She shook her head and faced away from me. "I was just doing my pretend talks with my parents again... There's no one."

I raised a brow. Why is she using an excuse? Why lie?

"But I heard a voice... a man's voice from it."

Clem's eyes got wider, like they were bulging out.

I turned my torso to her. "Clem, don't lie... who are you talking to?"

She seemed at a loss for words. So, she took a deep breath and did a long sigh. She faced me again, looking almost defeated. "... I was talking to-"

Suddenly the boxcar door opened with Lee entering. Clementine became relieved for the interruption and gave me the 'don't tell anyone about this' look.

Lee approached us and greeted. "Hey, kids."

"Hi," Clem and I both replied at the same time. He then sat next to Clementine.

He faced her with a frown. "So, you're probably... not going to like this."

That got her to frown as well. "Oh no... what happened?"

"Nothing. We have to talk about your hair... It's not safe."

That got me to chuckle, which in turn got Clem glaring at both of us.

"That's not nice," she stated.

Lee raised a brow, "What?"

She dropped her glare, "Are you saying it smells?"

"No," he said with a smile.

"Because it does... kinda."

I took a couple of sniffs near her hair and commented, "Meh, I smelled worse."

She glared at me again.

Lee shook his head with a smile from the nonsense.

He then continued. "Do you remember when Andy St. John grabbed it, and I got mad?"

"Yeah..." she replied. How could I not forget that? I would've done the same thing on how Lee reacted. If I wasn't such a coward...

"Well that could happen again. And if it's a walker, well..." He pulled out the scissors. "We need to trim it."

"... Just a trim, right?"

"I need to cut it short enough so that it can't get grabbed," he explained.

She thought it over and then sighed, "Okay."

"Mind if we do this now?" Lee asked.

"I guess not..."

"Don't mope. It's a good thing," he said with a smile.

"Yeah! You'll be as safe as my hair." I piped up.

She slightly glared at both of us again. She faced Lee, her eyes pleadingly. "Please don't make it that short... I don't want to look like a boy."

"I promise, I won't," Lee chuckled.

He then got up and stood behind her, waiting for her to get ready. Clementine took off her hat to set it aside and got into position in front of Lee. He raised the scissors and started cutting her hair.

"Do you know how to do this?" Her voice wary.

He smiled. "Yeah, of course."

"I don't believe you."

"Well... good."


"It means you know when someone is lying to you. Which is another valuable survival skill," he explained.

Clem and I both took that advice. Which got me thinking... What is Clem hiding? Why is she lying to everyone? Why to Lee? She almost told me who she is talking to until we got interrupted.

Both of them were having a bit of a conversation until Lee was done cutting. Clem gave him a couple of hair thingies to tie them back. They look like little pigtails! I smiled at how cute she looks.

"There, all set." He said as he tied in the last hair piece.

She felt the back of her head, finding it strange at how short her hair is. She slouched over, looking bummed about it.

She turned to face us, "Does it look dumb?"

"I like it!" I told her.

"Ha, no. You look cute," he rubbed the top of her head. "And a lot harder to grab." He then grabbed her hat to give it back to her.

She took the hat and stared at it for a moment before putting it back on her head.

With nothing left for me to stay here for, I got up and walked out of the boxcar to head to the front. I entered and saw dad sitting back on the chair again, kind of dozing off.

"Hey, dad." I greeted him.

"Hey, son." He replied back.

"How much longer will it take for us to get to Savannah?" I asked.

"I don't know exactly, but we should be there by tomorrow morning."

I nodded and asked, "So... what are we going to do once we get there?"

"The plan is the same as I told you. We get to the coast, grab a boat and leave to find someplace better... someplace safe."

"What if there is no boat?"

He looked at me, eyes almost narrowed. "There will be, I'm sure of it."

I nodded again, hoping for dad's optimism it will come true. I glanced towards the front window and then my eyes widened.

"Dad, stop the train! T-There's something blocking the tracks!" I yelled frantically pointing.

He quickly looked where I was pointing at, his eyes widening too.

"OH, SHIT! HOLD ON EVERYBODY!" He screamed to warn everyone on the train. I quickly held onto something as dad put on the brakes.

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