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Moments after dad went out of the barn, I see Clementine looking through the door and did a little wave. She then shut the door and stared at the cow, smiling gently.

A few minutes later, the barn door opened with Lee walking in. I looked down curiously at Maybelle, giving a smile. She flapped her ears again in response.

"It's okay, Clementine. You can pet her," I heard mom say.

Clementine looked up at Lee, as if asking for permission.

"It's okay, go ahead." He told her gently.

With that, she inched closer to the cow shyly and put her hand on the fur.

"Woah..." she said in amazement and continued to pet her. "Katjaa says Maybelle could have her baby tonight!"

"We'll see, Clementine." Mom told her.

Lee went up behind me and said, "What's this thing?"

I looked to what Lee was talking about and noticed his eyes on the white block.

"Daddy says it's called a salt lick," I answered him.

"Yeah, but don't lick it. It's gross," Clementine added.

Lee stood up and crossed his arms. "Did you lick it?" He teased.

Clementine made a face like she's hiding something, "I don't know..."

I laughed internally from what she did out of curiosity. I stopped when I suddenly got the thought of what I did out of curiosity...

"Have I missed anything?" I heard Lee ask me.

"No, not really," I replied. I then got a whiff of something and took a bigger sniff. I've been in a farm before, so I know what it usually smells like. This scent in particular... I can't put my finger on it. It doesn't smell good, that's for certain.

"It smells funny in here," I commented. I looked up to Lee to see if he can smell it too.

"Like manure!" I heard Clementine say.

I looked at her, confusion on my face. "What's 'manure'?"

"Doo-dee!" She smiled.

Oh, now I know. I giggled from the word she used and she joined along.

"Kids!" Mom said sternly to us and looked at me giving the 'don't you ever talk like that' look.

My smile faded and I decided to look down at Maybelle.

Yes, I can smell that... but this is a different scent. The closest I can compare it to was when dad brought home a deer once and showed me how to skin it. Looking around, I don't see anything that can produce that kind of smell.

I shook my head, I'm probably just imagining things.

I started to pet Maybelle's muzzle, smiling when she allowed me to.

"Hey, there Andy." Lee greeted.


"How's the cow?"

"Well, better now we got Doc on the case."

Mom smiled hearing this, looking up and giving an approving nod.

"Uh... when do you think, uh... we might eat?" Lee asked.

"Hungry, huh? Don't worry. Mama's cookin' up some good grub."

Both Clementine and I grinned at each other. We can't wait to finally have a meal to fill us!

"We met this woman up in the woods... She seemed to know your brother," Lee questioned.

Through Duck's Eyes (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now