The Mystery of The Missing Supplies

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It has been about a week since we found that jackpot of the station wagon. A few of us even got some new clothes. Clementine has a reddish pink hoodie that says 'Brooklyn' on it, Carley has a new shirt and coat and I have on an orange button up shirt. We're still struggling on our supplies, but we probably wouldn't make it without it.

Everything has been going fine for now at the motor inn. With me kicking a ball, mom and Lilly in their rooms, Ben on watch, Carley on the balcony and Clem doing her pretend talks with her parents again. She seems to be doing it more often though... I feel sorry that she misses them that much.

A little after we left the dairy, these guys who called themselves bandits have been giving us a lot of trouble. Saying that they want their stuff... We've had a few instances before, but now it's like they're really targeting us. This is probably what that woman on the camcorder meant.

It was scary as Clementine and I were kept in a safe area with mom and Ben watching us while the adults handle it.

Somehow, they have stopped messing with us for a while now. Days of nothing... Maybe they moved on?

As I was kicking, I thought about last night. I had a nightmare and it never seems to go away. It was at Hershel's farm when Shawn dies. I repeatedly see him get ripped apart and eaten over and over... I deeply regret ever turning on that tractor. I was being stupid, naive really.

I told my parents about it, on how I caused Shawn to die. They keep saying that it isn't true, that it's not my fault. Before, I believed everything on what they say... but this is something I can't accept. They may not like it, but I have blood on my hands. I have to take that responsibility.

From then on, I'm going to try and not make that mistake happen again.

I continued kicking and noticed that dad and Lee came back from their supply run. Clementine seemed to notice too as she ran up to Lee, showing her walkie now having stickers on it.

They both went to Lilly's room to show what they got. There seems to be an argument though since mom and Carley came to check.

"WHAT I KNOW?!" I heard Lilly scream out. "I know you're not above murder! I know somebody has been stealing our supplies! That's right, STEALING! And I know the list of people I can trust here gets SMALLER EVERY DAY! Now everybody, get out!"

Mom, Dad and Lee exited the room with Carley standing by.

Our supplies are getting stolen? By who? How does Lilly even know that it's someone in the group? I'd like to know more about it...

I kept kicking the soccer ball, bored out of my mind. I sighed and wished that there was more things to do around here other than coloring and kicking a ball. Or playing with Clem by tag and hide-n-seek.

Eventually, I noticed Lee walking into Lilly's room. I stopped kicking the ball and curiously wandered over.

I stopped just close enough to hear the conversation. I got down and pretended like I'm doing something, so that it won't make it obvious that I'm eavesdropping.

"There's a traitor. Somebody, one of us, out there. He or she or they have been taking things," Lilly told Lee.

The conversation went on with her telling Lee to poke around and to find out who broke a flashlight.

With Lee walking out of the room, I revealed myself.

"A mystery...!" 

He jumped surprised and faced me as I got up grinning at him.

"Jesus, Duck!" He muttered, crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry," I apologized for scaring him. I then decided to get to the point. "Um, I heard you guys talking."

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