Gil's Pitstop

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Hello! This is The Walking Dead story in Duck's point of view!
I would have done it in Clementine's point of view, but someone already did that so here's this.

The story will go on based on my choices and I will closely follow how each character acts, including what every little thing Duck is doing.

If you guys want to go through the story but in Clementine's point of view, please let me know! I'll warn you that there might be some things that will be the same in Duck's story, like the dialog.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story!

Hi! My name is Kenny Jr. but most people call me Duck. I am ten years old and my family and I just got done visiting with my aunt.

"Bye, aunt Marie!" I shouted happily, waving as I went down the steps.

"Goodbye, Ken Jr. Tell your parents to call me whenever you want some company." Aunt Marie said.

"Okay, I will!" I nodded, and started to head to the blue pickup truck. My parents already inside waiting.

As I got inside, I rolled down the window to wave outside once more.


Aunt Marie smiled and waved again.

The truck started moving and went out of the driveway back onto the road.

"How'd you like meeting your mother's sister, Duck?" My dad named Kenny said.

"Good! She's nice. Oh! Can we call as soon as when we get home?" There are some things that I forgot to say to her.

"I'm sure she'll be fine with that." My mom named Katjaa said in the passenger seat.

"Well it's going to be a while. So, sit tight Duck until we get there." My dad said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Okay, dad." I start to move around trying to get in a comfortable position for the long ride. Going from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Memphis, Tennessee seemed to take forever to me.

A few hours had passed. I was sleeping, my neck against the seat-belt. I woke up when I felt the truck came to a stop. I looked out of the window and noticed that we were parked at a gas station, Gil's Pitstop.

I observed the sign and saw that it also comes with a diner.

"Oh, can we go and get something to eat? I'm starving!"

"But you just ate a big meal when we visited." My father replied.

"Please? Pretty pretty please?" I pouted my lips, trying to give the puppy dog eyes.

Both of my parents chuckled. "I think it wouldn't hurt, right Kenny?" Mom replied.

"I guess, Katjaa." He turned to face me, "But not a big meal, we got to get back home."

"Yes!" I grinned, already getting out of the truck.

Both of my parents got out, following me heading to the diner.

As we entered, we were taken to a table, ordered our food and waited.

I looked around, there seemed to be a lot of truckers here. That's to be expected at a gas station. They're having a good time just like my family is. 

There was one man that was looking at me more often, eyes leering. I didn't pay much mind to it and instead started coloring from what the diner gave me, a kids menu and a couple of crayons.

After a while, the food arrived.

It was a cheeseburger with some fries. I looked at it hungrily and picked up the burger, grease coming out. I took a bite and made a sound of approval at the greasy goodness.

Now that I am full, my parents left the money on the table as a tip. We left the diner. My father stopped and took more money out and gave it to my mother.

"Here's the money for the gas, I'll go fill up the tank." Mom nodded, and headed back inside to pay.

"Come on, Duck." Dad said. I followed close behind.

As my father started to fill up the tank, I started wandering towards a semi-truck. I would like to be on one some day, maybe even have it as a job! That would be cool.

"Duck, come on over here!" My father shouted over, "I'm done!"

"Okay!" I quickly turned around and started to head back to the truck. Dad already going back inside.

When I ran over, I see that man from the diner standing nearby. I stopped, the man started coming closer until he started towering over me.

"Well hi there, kid. How's about you come with me?" The man grinned.

"Uh... why?" I questioned, backing away slowly. I'm not sure if I can trust him, because I'm getting a really bad vibe from being near him.

"I see you've been looking at my truck. You'd want to ride on it right?"

"Well, yeah but-" I felt my arm suddenly grabbed tightly.

"Then I think it's best if you'd come with me," he muttered. He started yanking on my arm and dragging me towards the semi.

"HEY! What the fuck man?! Get away from my boy!" I see my father running towards us, tackling the man down.

Dad started punching the man's face, "Don't. You. EVER. Touch. My. Son! You hear me?!"

I didn't know what to do as I watched my father beating the man.

"Oh my God!" I heard my mother scream. I looked over as she ran to me.

She crouched down, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay, Ducky?" Her eyes looking concerned.

"Yeah," I nodded. I looked over at my dad who is now kicking the man.

Mom looked over as well and stood up. "Ken, I think he's had enough!"

"The fuck if he's 'had enough', he shouldn't be touching my boy like that!" He shouted, giving another good kick before he stopped. Dad started to calm down and sighed. "Let's just go now."

We all agreed and started to head back into the pickup truck.


I've been debating on whether the man Kenny was talking about in the episode to be a stranger or a walker.

I've decided it to be a stranger because in the 400 Days, you can see Kenny and Duck at the Gas Station. They were calm, like nothing's wrong. If a person was just standing there, people wouldn't make much of it and continue their day.

If it was a walker, I'm sure they would hear it and the smell. Basically, just looking dead. They both would be showing panic or at least something.

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